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Guns, Islamist’s and other stuff!

19 Jun

guns vs Islamists

I don’t usually talk about this kind of stuff. But, this felt as though it was slightly important. This is a fusion between a PSA and a rant. While I could have been a little nicer at the time, I am still going to post this. I hope the readers enjoy this.

I originally was not going to speak up about the Orlando thing, but I feel as though I have to. I have been told by many that it is best to just say how I feel, well, here it is.

I am only really doing this because this was bigger then the other massacres I have heard of. It seems like people from the right are idiots and the left is sensitive as fuck. Granted, I am very sensitive, but I accept any opinions when I am not angry. I could say that there should be CONTROL, which I think their should be. Notice how the control was in all caps? That is because control does not equal ban. Banning guns is silly. People will always find a way to kill. Hell, the earliest humans hunted down mammoths with spears.

Point is, we should not ban guns, we should treat them like cars. Also, we should evaluate people and make sure they are not crazy. On the other hand, people on the right need to stop saying Obama is going to take your guns away. He is president of the United motherfucking States, if he wanted to take your guns away he would have done it already. What happened in Orlando was real, there is no Illuminati, no reptilian, no secret group trying to make this stuff happen.

I could also go on about how horrible Islam is, which it is. To start, Islam is not a race, it’s a religion. Just because I say Islam is bad, does not mean I agree with Donald Trump. Muslims are not bad, it’s their stupid religion. It really pisses me off that people mock Christianity and is fine, but you mock Islam, you are called an “Islamphobe”. Does the left even realize that by doing this, they give more ammo to the right? It makes the Christian nuts able to feel bad and act like they are innocent. Tell me something, would you defend the crusades if you were in that era? Because, that is what this fucking is, just with modern weapons.

You know what I am really going to talk about? I am going to talk about nuance. Before anyone says anything, I only mentioned Islam and guns is because those are two subjects that people happen to think are the only things causing this. I actually do believe that Islam is a horrible religion. There are lots of things I can say about Islam, but most people know what they do. However, there is something I will say. When joining a religion or ideology or whatever, there might sometimes be some rules. I did not know this till recently, but Muslims are against gay people, even more than West Burro Baptist Church. At least they are just annoying and won’t kill someone over their religeon.

Remember, I said that Islam is horrible, I never said Muslims are horrible. One thing you need to do is separate the religion from the people in the religion. Most of the time, I never speak out against ANY religeon. However, do you guys and gals remember, last year, when I was happy gays was allowed to be married in all fifty states? I also said that Christians hide behind their bible, I would also like to add that people cherry-pick the bible and say what is true if it is . Islamists are not any different. They hide behind the Quran. ISIS is still apart convenient Islam. Just as Protestants and Catholics fight over which side is correct, there are modern Muslims who say ISIS are not Muslim. Well, I have to say the No True Scotsman fallacy goes for EVERY ideology. Just because you are apart of Islam and we made mistakes when Bush was president does not mean they get off Scotts free.

One last thing, I wasn’t going to do this because I knew this was going to pass after a while. But, some alligator attacks a boy and we forget about this. I feel sorry for that kid, but this is more important right now. It is sad that we get distracted so fast. Humans really make me sick sometimes. As annoying as the right is and cringy as the left is, at least we were talking for a while. I like to throw around ideas and show others our thoughts. But, nope, if we are pissed by someone’s opinion, they are a fag, a bigot, a cuck, a racist, an Islamaphobe a retard and basically any name in the book.

To sum up, make sure to separate the religion from the people in it. I would say there should be a gun control, but, I am not an expert, maybe treat guns like cars. ISIS is still apart of Islam even if they are bad people. The thing in Orlando was not about just guns or Islam; it’s about both. We are so easily distracted by things that really matter, it bothers me. I do not even know why I wrote this. I am not that big of a person. Most people will get mad at what I am saying and just be mad at the words I use instead of the actually thing I am talking about. I guess this is small try at getting people to debate about this topic. I want people to talk about this, explain how they feel. I hope this was okay.

Resurrection of F countdown day 4-My ideas for Xenoverse 2

31 Jul

Xenoverse 2

Dragon Ball Xenoverse is a game that I was waiting for a long time. You can create almost every race you want to, you could finally be SSJ-SSJ2, you have all kinds of costumes, and there is an original story. However, there are some things in this game that need imporvments. Because this a Dragon Ball Z game, I am going to talk about the things I want in the next game and see what others migh want. This is going to be a list. By the way, if no one comments on this, I might not do this for a while. As it is obvious more people comment when I put it directly to FaceBook.

1. Make it so that the wigs are hairstyles instead of wigs. On top of that, there should be a hairstyle for: Vegeta, Hercule, Gogeta, Vegito, Master-Shen, Mercenary Tao, Raditz, Yariobie, and Whis.

2. Make it so that we can edit the color of any cothing.

3. Give us the choice to buy any costume set at an expensive price. Also, take away the RNG.

4. Make the hit ditection better

5. Continue where we left of with the story. Add new villains. Plus, make it so there are different timelines of what could have happened if certain things changed within the original story. Then, after you complete all the timelines in each saga you move on to the main story.

6. Add new costumes to this. These costumes include: Android 13, 14, 15, Yarijoribe, General Ridlo, Baby, Pikkon, Grandpa Gohan, and Jaco.

7. Add in different races, transformations, body sizes and other stuff. The following should be added: Android race, Demon race, and Alien Race. Also, added in organic, absorbantit, robotic, and half-android/half-human for androids. Also, either add in transformations for Majin’s add in Super and Kid forms as well as absorbed forms or make those forms as classes. Have 2nd, 3rd, 4th, final and 100% for Freiza race. There should also be SSJ3, God and SSJSSSJ forms for Saiyans. Humans should get muscular form and Great Saiyman form. Everyone should be able to acsess Kaioken.

8. Bring beam struggles back.

9. Make it so that when you want to go Online, you can bring your friends on with you. You no longer have to be crowded with hundreds of people.

10. Give us a maximum of 100 when it comes to level, no more no less.

11. Make it so that our costumes have nothing to do with our atturbutes. We should be able to dress how we want. Also, allow us to have more then one assesroy, or allow any male to have any type of beard and mustashe. Plus, add more facial features for all races.

12. Allow us to have more choices at our voices.

13. Add certain characters such as: Janemba, Turles, Lord Slug, Garlic Jr., Master Roshi, Dodoria, Zarbon, Baby, General Ridlo, Dabura, Cooler, the other shadow daragons, Mercenrary Tao, Kid Goku, King Piccolo, as well as Freiza’s transformations, Buutenks, Buuhan, Android 19 and Android 20.

14. Do not rush to make this. If it takes an extra year or two, then so be it.

These are things I would like for Xenoverse 2. I know that all of this stuff most likely won’t happen. But, there is nothing wrong with sharing my ideas. However, this is just a condenced version of what I actually want. Either way, I want to know what everyone else would want for the new game?

Resurrection of F countdown day 6-From worst to best

30 Jul

DBZ movies

Since I am going to see a new movie in six days, I felt the need to list what I consider worst to best. This will be in all the movies in DBZ, inclding all the OVAS I have seen. Because I don’t do top tens or top whatevers, this list is not going to be numbered. This might be my last post for WordPress if no one reads. At least when it comes to countdowns.

Bio-Broly-This movie does not have much substance to it. Broly only says “Kakarot” once. On top of all of tha, he was pretty easy to beat. I don’t mind when they do ideas that has been done to death, as long as they have their own spin on it. It is also not the best thing ever when they already did something similar in an earlier movie. Granted, Dr. Wheelio was never a character before, and his creator was never a character. However, idea is that he was one of Master Roshi’s rivals and he wanted revenge.

Same idea, only instead of Master Roshi, its Hercule and instead of Dr. Wheelio, it’s the Bio-Men. Bio-Broly was accidentlly realeased. All in all, kind of boring. I would give this one 5/10.

Yo Son Goku and his friends Returns! -While the art style was awesome in this movie; good art belonds in a meuseum. Not to say that this was horrible, it just was not as exciting as the others were. This also did have some comedy in it and it was worth watching, but, the villain was once more, way too easy and the fighting was not the best. Also, Tarble and Gure did not get to have much of a character in them. I give this one a 6.5/10.

The Worlds Strongest-This movie is a case of “its been done to death”. I have seen robots with a brain of a genuis multiple times. But, at least the fighting in this was good. Plus, the art style looked pretty nice. But, there is not much to this one either. Because of this, I give it a 6.8/10.

Tree of Might-Years ago, I might have tied this up with TWS. However, now that I know what Turles was supposed to be, I can apprciate more. This might be another case of fighting your dark self. However, not many people knew that Turles was supposed to be the evil Goku, or what evil Goku would be like. Despite that, this movie only gets a little higher then TWS, being 7/10.

Lord Slug-This is another case of “even the series did this before.” Lord Slug is very similar to King Picclo. Lord Slug wished to be young again and he wants to control the world. I like the idea that they had an SSJ esque form. Too bad it didn’t defeat Slug. I thought that the fights in this movie were pretty good, the art style and music was good. Didn’t really like the minions though. Also, they did do this story before. This gets a 7.2/10.

The Dead Zone/The History of Trunks-Both of these have good stories. The history of Trunks was based on what happened in show and the Dead Zone was so good, a saga based on the movie came later on as filler for the show. Both had a really good story. Despite the fact that History of Trunks was a sad story, I still liked it. The Dead Zone did have better fights. But, both fights are really good. The art style was also very nice in both of these movies. Both movies are 7.5/10.

The Return of Cool/Broly-Second Coming-Both of these stories we have seen before. While the Cooler sequel has soe great art style, and nice battles, Freiza did this before. It a combination of what Freiza originally did and his revenge as a cyborg. But, this time its Meta Cooler. There is not really much of a sotry here. However, the art style and nice fights kinda make up for it. Plus, we actually get to see Vegeta help out in the end. The Broly sequel is similar to the original story, but with less story to it and less characters. But, it also has a cool end and is not just one person defeating the enemy. I rate both movies 7.7/10.

Bardock-The Father of Goku/Episode of Bardock-This has a good story, a few okay fights and a sad ending. I do not really like this because of the fights. This is similar to History of Trunks, where we know the hero has know chance of winning. But, we still root for Bardock even though we know he is going to lose. The only thing bad about this is, its not long enough. Despite what most people might say, Episode of Bardock was just as good as the original, in my opinion. The art style was easily better then the previous one and it had a happy ending. I give both of these movies an 8.5/10.

Super Android 13-This is the first movie where an enemy becomes Super muscular. I will be honest, I am not a huge fan of that, but I do enjoy giant enemies or enemies with huge muscels. The reason for this, it is much more awesome when they fall. Basically, seeing a hero overcome an enemy that looks that huge is awesome. I also think that, while they were obviously designed to look sterostyical, 13, 14, and 15 are one of my favorite minions for some reason. Plus, Super 13 looks badass. But, this movie does have some comical mometes that I enjoy. I rate this 8.8/10.

Cooler’s Regenge-In this movie, Cooler did become big, but he did not have buldging muscles. But, even at SSJ, Goku still had trouble. I am still not sure how he was able to kill Cooler. Either way, seeing him overcome something bigger then him, while starring death in the eye is pretty cool. Plus, this actually had a story. I rate this 9/10. Yes, only sliglhty bettter because it had a decent story to it. What could be better then overcoming someone bigger then you with a story attachted to it?

Broly the Legendary Super Saiyan/Bojack Unbound-I like both of these movies for different reasons. Broly actually has a good story attached to him and Bojack brought back the idea of tournament. Plus, Bojack had a better art style and more well done moves. Plus, it brought back minions. But, the enemy was essenstially the same. However, I like Broly more because he was connected to Goku. It was like fighting your long lost rival or something. To add, first time Vegeta had ever been scared of something. The only thing I didn’t like was, the death was a cop-out. But, most of the deaths in the movies were a cop-out. I rate both of these movies 9.5/10.
Wrath of the Dragon-A movie with a good story, great art, decent fight scenes, not too long or too short, good music and the ending wasn’t too much of a cop-out. Plus, I think Taipon is a good character. The only thing I don’t like about it is, Vegeta gets like a couple minutes of screen time and he gets beaten right away. I rate this movie 9.7/10.

Fusion Reborn/Battle of God’s-Battle of God’s has the better art style and better story. However, Fusion Reborn has the better music and better fight scenes. They are just as good when it comes to comedy. I don’t even mind that Janemba is similar to Majin/Super Buu. I just wish Gogeta and SSJ God form could have lasted longer. Because I can not decide which one I like better, both of these movies get a 10/10. I hope ROF will be just as good, if not better.

Resurrection of F countdown day 7-My dream for Dragon Ball Super

28 Jul

This is just a list of thing that I would like for the new show. Some of this stuff will most likely never happen or happen the way I want it to. This is why it’s called a dream.

1. I would like Vegeta to defeat a major villain. I know he is not a hero of the show, but I think Akira can allow him to do that.

2. I know there is not going to be any more new SSJ forms, but make at least one new God form. The original form had the same shape as base form hair; the second was SSJ form hair so the third can be SSJ2 form hair. The hair color could be diferent, as everytime a new God form is made the hair color changes.

3. Bring Gogeta back. This would make Gogeta officially canon. What if, there was an enemy in Universe 6 that was too strong for even Whis? Then SSJGSSJ Gogeta comes along and saved the day.

4. Bring in Golden Cell or Godlen Buu or both. I know this is unlikly, but it would be cool.

5. Keep the Android trend going. In other words, bring in brand new Androids.

6. Have the series go later on. Thus, bringing in the possiblity of Adult Gotenks.

7. New characters. I want new characters that have important roles and last a long time. DBGT did not have any new characters others then Giru. Pan and Uub were introduced at the end of DBZ.

8. Do not make Universe 6 or others Universes like DBGT. I do not want them to just go around Universe 6 and possible other Universes, meet characters that we get to know for a short time and are useless. I want to be able to fight villains from those Universes. Make a good plot out of it.

9. Please keep most of the scenes from Battle of God’s of ROF. I have not seen ROF yet, but it looks awesome. Battle of God’s was awesome. They have kept the same fight scene with Goku vs. Beerus, it is based on Bulma’s birthday, I have seen a new scene where Pilaf and the crew are kids and there is going to be an episode called “Get away from my Bulma”, or soemthing along those lines. So, it will be similar. I hope all of the episodes around this saga keeps all the good scenes.

10. Please, for the love of Beerus, keep is long and well paced.

This is everything I would like for DBS, but what would everyone else like for it?

Resurrection of F countdown day 8-The problem with the Dragon Ball Z

27 Jul

While I did say that on FaceBook I might not do this again, this was longer then my previous ones. So, if you like this, then I will go back to doing this. However, I still have a list of things I want to post here. Some of which I will just redo. Either way, if you want to know the things I have planned, tell me and I will show the list. Then, tell me which one I should do first. If no one tells me that they want to see my list but I still want to, I might just post my list on FB and my friends can decide.

While DBZ is my favorite show, no show is perfect. Some people might be biased and try to say otherwise, but they are incorrect. Now, I was going to talk about the series as a whole. However, I can’t think of too many huge things wrong with Dragon Ball, DBGT has too many things wrong with it and Super only has three episodes. Also, Kai is just the same exact show but without filler and a lot better art style.

The question is what is wrong with DBZ? Well, if you are no a fan then you could find many things wrong with it. But, this is what most of the fan base think. This is the fact that the show keeps getting more inconstant as it goes on. This happens with TV shows as they get longer and longer. The writers forget what happened in earlier episodes. For example, let’s say in one episode someone bought a dog, but the father didn’t like dogs. Then in a later episode they do the same thing, because the mother says that their children never had a dog. Even though seasons ago, they did have one.

This is okay for Family Guy or American Dad because they don’t have a continuing plot. This might also be okay for Anime like DBZ if it happened once in a while. However, I have a list of inconsistencies.

1. Freiza once said that his race could survive in outer space. Yet, Goku was able to go the moon in DB, Bardock went to space to fight his army, plus, Goku was able to fight Beerus even after his God form went away.

2. While Gohan and Goku were training in the Hyperbolic Time Chamber, preparing for the Cell Games, Goku urges Gohan to become SSJ. He tells him to imagine Cell killing everyone close to him. Gohan says that he can not do this because he never seen Cell. Yet, he somehow has a nightmare about Cell killing Chi-Chi and Piccolo?
3. When Perfect Cell returned, he stated that he was able to survive because there was apart of his brain that survived and thus was able to regenerate. Yet, Goku did a super Kamehameha wave to Cell upper torso, including his head. If what Cell said is correct, he should have been dead.

4. Before Vegeta used the Final Explosion in an attempt to kill Majin Buu; Piccolo told him that he would not keep his body. This was because of the fact that keeping your body after death is a reward for dedicating your life to selfless acts. Which of course, Vegeta was always selfish. However, in filler episodes, there are villains in Hell who get to keep their body.

5. There are several inconsistencies in Battle of God’s. First one being the fact that Bulma claims she is 35. If this were the case, she would have been 15. But, she was 16. Also, she should be closer to 40. Mai, one of Pilaf’s minions claims to be 40. But, that would make her 11 in DB.

There are others, but these are the only ones I can think at the moment. There are already a few in Super. But, I am not gonna name them yet. If anyone else can think of any other inconsistencies in the show, tell me. However, this was not just for DBZ. Anyone, if you can think of something you dislike about your favorite TV show, I would like to know. Also, I will eventually do my long overdue full tribute to Dragon Ball as a whole. This is just one problem I have with the show.

Majora’s Mask- N64 vs. 3DS

21 Feb

3DS vs N64

Normally, I do not do blogs comparing the original game to a remake. I did not even explain how much I like ORAS compared to R/S/E. I will just say it here. OmegaRuby and AlphaSapphire are my new favorite Pokemon games. Gold and Silver was better then R/S/E, HeartGold/SoulSilver was better then them and ORAS are the best. Maybe one day I will gave more in depth of why they are my favorites. But, there is so much to talk about in those games, the blog might be really long. So, that is all I have to say about those games for now.

Now, onto the topic. Majora’s Mask is one of, if not my favorite Legend of Zelda game. However, as I say all the time, if the game was just a little bit longer, with maybe one or two dungeons, it would have been my favorite. Despite that, the remake is just as good. The question is, which one is better? This is not like a Pokemon remake where the game looks way different then the original. I will still say that this game is barley a remake. But, there is enough to compare the two games.

Spoiler Notice: If you have never played Majora’s Mask or the remake and do not like spoilers, then stop reading. If you are still interested when you beat the original, remake or both, then finish reading this when that happens. If you do not mind being spoiled, then proceed.

The changes I like-

There are some things new in the game that actually makes it slightly easier. For example, some fairies are easier to get in the dungeons. There are way more saving spots, you do not have to cut it, you just have to talk to the wooden owls. You get the song of soaring as soon as you get into the Southern Swamp. You also get the growth of your magic meter after collecting all the fairies in the first dungeon. You get three bottles pretty early and you get seven bottles in total.

There is even a new shop where you can get a lottery ticket for that gives you fifty rupees as a reward.. Chances are, you will guess the number wrong. But, the correct number will be written on your Bombers Notebook. When you go back in time, you can use the correct number and get the money. Also, when you get your Ocarina for the first time and learn the song of healing, the Happy Mask salesman gives you the Bombers notebook. You can get past the Freezard’s on the bridge in the Snowhead dungeon without being frozen. Also, some parts of the dungeons are a little easier. I also like the fact that the bank is right behind the clock tower.

Other then stuff that makes the game much easier, there are a few things here and there that is good. You can actually do a mission with the Circus Leader’s Mask. However, perhaps the best change about the game that I like is the graphics. Am I saying that the graphics actually makes the remake better? I would not say that. I am saying that graphics are way better. Somehow, Nintendo managed to make this game even more colorful and beautiful then it already was. Even if the graphics and art style doesn’t make the game better, it is always nice to have to something nice to look at while you are playing the game. I also like the new design of the Garo Leaders mask.

The changes I do not like-

With all the things that made this game much easier, there are also a good amount of changes that sort-of balances those other changes. First off, when you slow time down, it is not nearly as slow as it was before. Time still slows down, but not nearly as much as before. Second, you can only do the Dolphin jumps while using your barrier. This means that magic will quickly sap up. At the end of the game, if you want to collect the Fierce Deity’s Mask, you need to give your Masks to the lunar children. Well, the Gyrog part has changed.

Instead of having six tunnels of which you go to the left or the right, you have to hit a switch, and quickly chose the correct tunnel and Dolphin through the gate. You then have to do this three more times. Does anyone remember Shiro, the Invisible solider? Now he is in the middle of the Pirates Fortress, right in front of the latter. In other words, you have to sneak around, get to that point, give him the red potion and then you get the stone Mask. However, the thing that I dislike the most is the changes with the bosses.

First, Odolwa is even easier then he was before. Just transform into a Deku Scrub, go into the flower, get near him and shoot a Deku nut on his head, slash him up, rinse, wash and repeat. Second, we have Goht. Originally, I could just roll into him over and over again, until he died. Now, the rolling is just a stun. Then, you go and shoot his eye to pieces, over and over again. Then we have Gyrog, who was actually a little better. Just shoot him, dodge, shoot the eye and then second phase comes up.

In the second phase, he crushes the platform you are standing on and puts you underwater. He then turns into a fish-Dodongo. When he is still, cut the bomb spiked off when his mouth opens and he will eat it. Then attacks his eye and do that over and over again. While Twinmold is actually much longer of a fight then before, it as actually somewhat more fun. You shoot off the blue Twinmold’s smaller eyes. When he dies, you get the Giants Mask and can transform into a Giant and punch the second Twinmold to death.

Granted, it makes it a little shorter if you pick up the boulders he automatically falls. You can do this with two boulders. But, then you have to hit him over and over again until you can pick him up, twirl him and around and slap him to the ground to slap and crush his eye. When I started fighting the bosses, I wondered why they even had special eyes to begin with. But, I actually have a theory about this. The “Moon” had exactly the same special eyes as Majora’s Mask and these bosses. When the enemy is destroyed, there is purple puss that comes out of it. This makes me think that the eyes were parasites made by Majora’s Mask.

The changes that are not a huge deal-

They added a bunch of free fishing passes for the new fishing pool. I don’t know how many you have to collect for it to be 100%. When I find out, I will collect the rest. I do not know why they even added the fishing pool, but, it’s not a huge deal. The moon is not as creepy as before, but, that does not bother me. Finally, the events in the game were added to the Bombers Notebook. Maybe that was why the Happy Mask salesman gives you the Notebook instead of Jim.

Overall, in my opinion, both games are just as good for their own system. Even with the parasitic eyes added to the four bosses, the game is still great. It still has a repayable side to it and is very fun and creative. I give both games an 8.5.

I really hope people give this game a try. You do not have to play Ocarina of Time to play this game. I would make it a little easier to get used to the controls. But, it does not take much time to get used to this. So, even if you never played OoT, play this game on either version.

If you read this all the way to the end, then I have a question. Which would you rather be, a Deku scrub, Zora or a Goron and why? I will give my answer on FaceBook if there is even one answer to this question.

What if Jason was in Termina?

13 Feb

Jason in Termina

Last year, I did a blog about Jason being a werewolf. That was because it was a full moon and Friday the 13th. That is not going to happen for another 49 years. So, I thought that it was worthwhile. However, this year, the “remake” of Majora’s Mask is going to be on Friday the 13th. If you played the original game then you must know his quote; “You’ve met with a terrible fate, haven’t you?” That quote is referring to the fact that Link was transformed into a Deku Scrub, lost his horse and had his Ocarina stolen from him. He does not even know what he is supposed to do.

Of course, this line is repeated when the moon destroys you. Well, on Friday the 13th, a lot of people run into several “terrible” fates. After all, Friday the 13th is supposed to be the unlucky day. For some people, it gets especially unlucky when their fate comes to an end. Granted, it only happens to the people who visit Camp Crystal Lake. You know the one, right? The camp where Jason Voorhees will kill camp counselors at night. Well, what if that story was in Termina? What part of Termina would it be in, when would it happen? Could Jason kill Link?

First question, what part of Termina would all of this happen in? The Friday the 13th series could not happen in Clock Town because that was a town and that series mostly happened in a camp. It could not happen in Great Bay because that was close to an ocean. This could not happen in Southern Swamp because that place was way too dangerous. However, Snowhead is a place that actually works. Snowhead, despite its name, has spring and maybe even summer. So, during spring or summer, there could be a camp that comes to Snowhead. Now, we know there were no camps in Termina. But, Jason never even existed in Termina either. So we are making stuff up today to fit, to see if it would work.

With this being said, when the events happened in Snowhead during most likely summer, Jason was drowned while some camp counselors were making love. Then his mom killed many camp counselors. Twenty years later she comes back when the camp is being remade and kills more people. She gets killed and her grown-up son comes back a year later and kills her murderer. He then stays there and kills anyone who stay in Snowhead for too long. But, it would not last too long. This might go on to the events of the third movie. However, there are Goron’s close to Snowhead Mountain.

While Jason is physically stronger then humans, Goron’s are also physically stronger then humans. As a matter of fact, I would say that they are way stronger then humans. All it would take is a Goron or two to take Jason apart. Even if Jason came back to life, because the lands are connect, word would spread fast and people would make sure Jason was dead for good. Unlike our world, they would believe a person coming back to life and killing people was possible. Think of all the stuff that happens in Termina and the Zelda Universes as a whole, I am sure they would believe this. With that being said, his body would be buried in Ikana canon.

If you know anything about Jason, you would know that he tries to keep coming back to his home. So, being buried in a place where the dead can walk with the living, it would not take long for him to come back to life. But, they would be prepared for this, he would be crushed into dust and his soul would be sealed in his mask. That is what happens in Termina. Someone evil comes along; their soul gets sealed into a Mask. Obviously, it would not be a hockey mask. But, it could be shaped similarly. The next question is, when would this happen? Well, for Link to fight him it would have to have happened before Link came into Termina.

The third question, could Jason beat Link? Well, let’s say that it went this far and Jason’s soul was sealed into a Mask. Now, let us move it a step further and say that some idiot stumbled upon it and wore it. This idiot then became Jason. Now, Link is actually really weak. I mean, he needs a wristband to pick up a bombflower. So, this all depends on when this idiot fights Link. If it is before he gets his arrows and bombs, I think Link would be crushed. After all, Jason can move really fast and teleport.

While it is true that many versions of Link, including the Hero of Time, has fought and can beat the undead, Link stills needs weapons and spells to fight really strong enemies. Jason does not have any weakness other then the fact that he has a soft spot for his mom. There is no way that Link would know that. So, he would have to use force. However, if Link had his Zora or Goron mask, he would destroy Jason and most likely the Mask as well. Hopefully, that idiot would not have to die as well, but if he did, oh well.

The answer to all of this is, there were mostly likely no camps in Termina, even if there were and the events did take place, I highly doubt they would go much further then movie three. People are connected to Termina and there is so much weird shit happening there, Jason Voorhees could exist. On top of all of that, even if he was able to be sealed into a mask, Link would find a way to stop him. Even if he had to go back to the time before he met Jason, finds something to destroy him for good, he could do it. However, I have a feeling Jason would not last that long in Termina, let alone the events of Majora’s Mask.

If there people who disagree with my theories, or think there are hole in what I am saying, please tell me. Either way, I hope you don’t go to a camp today or visit an alternate dimension where the moon is going to destroy the world in three days.

2014-Not the best, not the worst

31 Dec


With every New Year coming up, there is always something you are looking forward to. I really don’t remember what I was looking forward to for 2014. But, I do remember the things that happened this year. There was a lot of good and bad stuff that happened this year. Some may seem small to others, but they are big for me. Before I talk about all the good stuff, I like to get the bad stuff out of the way.

The Bad-

While Celebrities might not be apart of our personal life, if you like the stuff they do, they might be a huge part of your life. First, there was Robin Williams who died this year. While I may have said all I could have, it’s still really sad that he died. He is one of my favorite comedians and I basically watched the stuff he did since I was little. Then we have Bill Cosby. He was also one of my favorite comedians. It is really bad what he might have done. But, all I can say is, I will never look at Cliff Huxtable the same way again. Then we have Craig Ferguson who may be alive and be a decent guy. But, there is going to be someone replacing him in the Late, Late show.

He was actually the guy who inspired me to be creepy and be okay with acting different. Luckily, he is not retiring and might still be doing stand-up comedy. Still, I will always miss him and Geoffrey Peterson doing their thing. Speaking of shows that ended, this was the year that both How I met Your Mother and Futurama ended. Both were really good shows, especially HIMYM. But, all good things must come to and end. If either show went on too long, they would become stale.

This was also the year I lost my favorite dog in the entire world, Pedro. Pedro was more then a pet, he was apart of my family. He was way too smart for his own good. Despite that, he was a loving dog who I will never forget.

The Good-

While there were a lot of bad things this year, there was also a lot of really good things.

This was the year when I got to meet Doug and Rob Walker. Both of them might not be as important as celebrities we have today, but, they are way more talented then some of the new comedians. Doug Walker is really funny and is really good at what he does. Even if you disagree with his reviews, in my opinion his show is awesome. So, meeting him and Rob are amazing to me. This was also the year I finally got the Majin Buu plushie I have been looking for. Some people might find it odd that I am happy getting a stuffed toy, but, if Craig taught me anything, its okay to be odd.

This year, I finally got to see my cousin Billy, happy again. I love my whole family. So, to see him happy and talkative, it makes me happy. I am also really happy that I finally got to see DBZ: Battle of Gods. It was really, really good. To add, I also found my favorite Pokemon games, which I will take about eventually. I also feel really happy I finally moved into Jeanie’s old room. On top of that, seeing her new apartment inspired me to want to move out eventually. This was also the year when I finally decided that, I don’t need to be like my mother to stop being like my father. I can be my own person, while still learning from my mom. Of course, this was also the year were I learned way more about history then I ever did before.

I also feel like a got a little bit closer to my online friends this year. I hope my I get even closer to them next year as well. 😉 Of course, this was the year I finally did karaoke in Zen bar, in front of a bunch of people. That was really fun.


While there might have been more things this year that were bad and most likely more important then the things that were good, I do not care. That does not make the year a bad year. Also, what is important to me might not be important to another person. The things I call “good” does not make me less mature, nor does it make me and idiot or a loser. It just makes the things that are important to me a thing that is not important to someone else. What it does show is that I might not be working or doing as much school as everyone else. Therefore, the things that are important to me will appear as though they are odd.

Maybe in 2015, I will do more stuff that makes me appear as though my life is correct for the rest of the world. Perhaps, I might just learn a little more, lose more weight and care a little less what the world thinks of me. Either way, 2015 has a lot of stuff to look forward to. Hopefully, 2015 will be even better.

If Goku had an archenemy, who would it be?

25 Nov

Goku vs Freiza

Out of all the Anime out there, DragonBall-Z is not some Anime you would think would have one main enemy in the series that does everything in its power to defeat the hero. In DragonBall, Pilaf goes through the entire show to have some part in the main sagas, even if the saga is small. Plus, he appeared at the very end of Battle of Gods, with his pals to try and get the Dragonballs. Also, if you count DBGT, then he had a huge impact on the show. But, most people do not count GT as canon. Even Akira Toriyama did not like GT and is trying to make it, so that GT is not apart of the series.

I guess that checks Pilaf off the list. What about the Red Ribbon army and the Androids? Would any one of them be considered as an archenemy of Goku? Well, since Goku spared Dr. Gero, he made Androids and Cell. When he went to Hell and met Dr. Myuu, Hell 17 was made. Then, when two Androids 17’s fused they created Super 17. Because of the opening of Hell, a lot of people were killed which made the characters need to collect the Dragonballs. So, I suppose the Red Ribbon army and the Androids paid a part in DB, a huge part in DBZ and a small part of DBGT.

Even if you discredit DBGT entirely, both RRA, Androids and Cell had a huge impact on the show. Without the RRA neither the Androids nor Cell would have been made. A lot of characters would have been much weaker, Trunks would have no need to come to the past, Goku would not have died and Babidi would not have enough energy to bring Buu back. Either that, or Dabura might have been too strong for them to beat. However, there was on villain that was needed for the show. Without this villain, the show would be way different.

This villain is Freiza. Without Freiza, Cell would be much weaker and not as cocky. If Freiza was never around, planet Vegeta would still be around. King Vegeta and Prince Vegeta would be the one’s trying to conquer the Universe. There is a chance that Goku might still be a good guy. He would most likely still be able to beat Vegeta and Nappa. They would still go to Namek. However, without Freiza, Gohan and Krillin would get the Dragonballs pretty quickly. Of course, Vegeta would have gotten a Zankai boost and still be able to beat them up.

Without Freiza, Goku might not go Super Saiyan. He would still train as hard as he did. But, he would now be able to take down Vegeta without even trying. Vegeta would most likely die this time. Of course, without Freiza to destroy planet Vegeta, there would still be King Vegeta and Bardock. Would that make much difference? I think if King Vegeta was alive he would help Vegeta take over Namek when he found out he lost against Goku. Either that or he would hunt Goku down when Vegeta was killed.

I would also assume that Bardock might never change. Freiza was the one who sent Bardock and his crew one that planet. The one where people could see the future. Yeah, he would not be there and thus never see into the future. I almost think Goku might fight Bardock and try to change him. Maybe Bardock would change and be able to fight King Vegeta and overrule him. No matter how you put it, the characters would still be much weaker. Perhaps, Goku would eventually become Super Saiyan. But, I don’t think Trunks or Gohan would. I can’t even imagine how the Cell games would end. All I know is, Cell would not have Freiza’s powers, but he would be much stronger.

Lets not forget about the fact that Freiza was brought back to Earth in Fusion Reborn and not Cell. Even though the movie is not canon, Akira chose Freiza to be there instead of both of them. Finally, Freiza is going to be revived for Goku to fight in 2015’s movie. Somehow, Freiza will be much stronger then ever before. So, when you put the pieces together of a possible archenemy, Freiza would the choice.

I know I used a lot of assumptions and speculations, but all of this makes a lot of sense when you think about it. I also know that I used a lot of “what-if”. That was just my little spin on it. I hope you enjoyed this. If there are something’s anyone thinks I might have missed, I want to know. If there is another archenemy would chose, who would it be?

Countdown day 3-The Evolution of event Pokemon

20 Nov

Ubers and events pokemon

In the beginning there was Red and Green. Mew was the reason Pokemon was so successful. At the time, people did not know there was 151 Pokemon. When they gave out twenty Mews, it made the people like Pokemon even more. This was what drove the success of Pokemon through the roof. For some odd reason, they changed Green to Blue when it came to America. If someone has any reason why that was, please tell me.

On this game you could capture Mew without cheating. There was some glitch where a level 15 Mew appeared if you did a few things in the game. I can not remember what you had to do. There are only two things I know; this had to be some kind of glitch. The other thing is, I remember that the way you got it has nothing to do with Legendary Pokemon. I tried it back then because I was curious. I did get the Mew and if I remembered the steps to tell you how to catch it, I would. I am sure you can look this up somewhere.

After Yellow, there was Gold and Silver. These games were practically sequels of Red/Blue. Then, there was a third game called Crystal. There was a rumor that you could catch Celebi in the Ilex forest. I believe that was a shrine of which Celebi lived. I think it had something to do with headbutting the shrine. While this rumor was false, in the Japanese version, there was some other way to get Celebi without doing events or cheating. I never got one until Ruby/Sapphire. I saw that Celebi, among others, were not available in the games. I found a guy online, from Canada who gave me the Pokemon for money.

I sent Ruby to his place so I can get Zapdos, Articuno, Moltres, Celebi, Mew, Mewtwo, Charizard, Blastoise, Venusaur, Jirachi and Deoxys. Later, I actually cheated and captured Mew, Jirachi and Deoxys in LeafGreen or Emerald. I can’t remember which one it was. But, I remember being able to go to a couple of Islands and being able to fight them. For a while, these Pokemon were called “Uber-rare”. I don’t know if they lost the name in Pearl/Diamond or if it was before that. Either way, I cheated my way into getting, what was now known as “Event Pokemon”.

Shaymin and Arceus did not have the most exciting event at all. But, at least I was able to catch them. However, Darkrai had an event that was interesting, fun and something that is worth a theory. The last Pokemon, which actually had an event, was Victini. I had to go to this Island to defeat Plasma and then I could catch it. This was the first and only event Pokemon in which I did not cheat to get. I do not count Diancie as an event. There was no event that happened within the game. You were not able to catch it. I know that after you do receive it, some people do talk to you and stuff happens, but, it adds nothing to the story, and I could not catch it.

I really hope you can catch Hoopa and Volcanion. If not, I think we should change the name to “Cool Pokemon that are just average and yet can not be used in competitive battle.” If you want to shorten it, call it “Awesome Pokemon”. I do think the idea of all three are pretty awesome, but, they are not event Pokemon if there is no event in which you get them. I am talking about an event in the game, not an event in our world. It does not even have to be a huge event, just make an event that you have to catch the Pokemon.

My mind is fuzzy. So, I am sorry if I do not know or remember everything that happened in the past. If there are some things I might be misinformed about, tell me. Please tell me in a nice way.

Also, if you could make up an event they could have done in the game to catch Diancie, please tell me. What event in the game should they do, that would make it fun to catch Hoopa and Volcanion?