Resurrection of F countdown day 4-My ideas for Xenoverse 2

31 Jul

Xenoverse 2

Dragon Ball Xenoverse is a game that I was waiting for a long time. You can create almost every race you want to, you could finally be SSJ-SSJ2, you have all kinds of costumes, and there is an original story. However, there are some things in this game that need imporvments. Because this a Dragon Ball Z game, I am going to talk about the things I want in the next game and see what others migh want. This is going to be a list. By the way, if no one comments on this, I might not do this for a while. As it is obvious more people comment when I put it directly to FaceBook.

1. Make it so that the wigs are hairstyles instead of wigs. On top of that, there should be a hairstyle for: Vegeta, Hercule, Gogeta, Vegito, Master-Shen, Mercenary Tao, Raditz, Yariobie, and Whis.

2. Make it so that we can edit the color of any cothing.

3. Give us the choice to buy any costume set at an expensive price. Also, take away the RNG.

4. Make the hit ditection better

5. Continue where we left of with the story. Add new villains. Plus, make it so there are different timelines of what could have happened if certain things changed within the original story. Then, after you complete all the timelines in each saga you move on to the main story.

6. Add new costumes to this. These costumes include: Android 13, 14, 15, Yarijoribe, General Ridlo, Baby, Pikkon, Grandpa Gohan, and Jaco.

7. Add in different races, transformations, body sizes and other stuff. The following should be added: Android race, Demon race, and Alien Race. Also, added in organic, absorbantit, robotic, and half-android/half-human for androids. Also, either add in transformations for Majin’s add in Super and Kid forms as well as absorbed forms or make those forms as classes. Have 2nd, 3rd, 4th, final and 100% for Freiza race. There should also be SSJ3, God and SSJSSSJ forms for Saiyans. Humans should get muscular form and Great Saiyman form. Everyone should be able to acsess Kaioken.

8. Bring beam struggles back.

9. Make it so that when you want to go Online, you can bring your friends on with you. You no longer have to be crowded with hundreds of people.

10. Give us a maximum of 100 when it comes to level, no more no less.

11. Make it so that our costumes have nothing to do with our atturbutes. We should be able to dress how we want. Also, allow us to have more then one assesroy, or allow any male to have any type of beard and mustashe. Plus, add more facial features for all races.

12. Allow us to have more choices at our voices.

13. Add certain characters such as: Janemba, Turles, Lord Slug, Garlic Jr., Master Roshi, Dodoria, Zarbon, Baby, General Ridlo, Dabura, Cooler, the other shadow daragons, Mercenrary Tao, Kid Goku, King Piccolo, as well as Freiza’s transformations, Buutenks, Buuhan, Android 19 and Android 20.

14. Do not rush to make this. If it takes an extra year or two, then so be it.

These are things I would like for Xenoverse 2. I know that all of this stuff most likely won’t happen. But, there is nothing wrong with sharing my ideas. However, this is just a condenced version of what I actually want. Either way, I want to know what everyone else would want for the new game?

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