Resurrection of F countdown day 6-From worst to best

30 Jul

DBZ movies

Since I am going to see a new movie in six days, I felt the need to list what I consider worst to best. This will be in all the movies in DBZ, inclding all the OVAS I have seen. Because I don’t do top tens or top whatevers, this list is not going to be numbered. This might be my last post for WordPress if no one reads. At least when it comes to countdowns.

Bio-Broly-This movie does not have much substance to it. Broly only says “Kakarot” once. On top of all of tha, he was pretty easy to beat. I don’t mind when they do ideas that has been done to death, as long as they have their own spin on it. It is also not the best thing ever when they already did something similar in an earlier movie. Granted, Dr. Wheelio was never a character before, and his creator was never a character. However, idea is that he was one of Master Roshi’s rivals and he wanted revenge.

Same idea, only instead of Master Roshi, its Hercule and instead of Dr. Wheelio, it’s the Bio-Men. Bio-Broly was accidentlly realeased. All in all, kind of boring. I would give this one 5/10.

Yo Son Goku and his friends Returns! -While the art style was awesome in this movie; good art belonds in a meuseum. Not to say that this was horrible, it just was not as exciting as the others were. This also did have some comedy in it and it was worth watching, but, the villain was once more, way too easy and the fighting was not the best. Also, Tarble and Gure did not get to have much of a character in them. I give this one a 6.5/10.

The Worlds Strongest-This movie is a case of “its been done to death”. I have seen robots with a brain of a genuis multiple times. But, at least the fighting in this was good. Plus, the art style looked pretty nice. But, there is not much to this one either. Because of this, I give it a 6.8/10.

Tree of Might-Years ago, I might have tied this up with TWS. However, now that I know what Turles was supposed to be, I can apprciate more. This might be another case of fighting your dark self. However, not many people knew that Turles was supposed to be the evil Goku, or what evil Goku would be like. Despite that, this movie only gets a little higher then TWS, being 7/10.

Lord Slug-This is another case of “even the series did this before.” Lord Slug is very similar to King Picclo. Lord Slug wished to be young again and he wants to control the world. I like the idea that they had an SSJ esque form. Too bad it didn’t defeat Slug. I thought that the fights in this movie were pretty good, the art style and music was good. Didn’t really like the minions though. Also, they did do this story before. This gets a 7.2/10.

The Dead Zone/The History of Trunks-Both of these have good stories. The history of Trunks was based on what happened in show and the Dead Zone was so good, a saga based on the movie came later on as filler for the show. Both had a really good story. Despite the fact that History of Trunks was a sad story, I still liked it. The Dead Zone did have better fights. But, both fights are really good. The art style was also very nice in both of these movies. Both movies are 7.5/10.

The Return of Cool/Broly-Second Coming-Both of these stories we have seen before. While the Cooler sequel has soe great art style, and nice battles, Freiza did this before. It a combination of what Freiza originally did and his revenge as a cyborg. But, this time its Meta Cooler. There is not really much of a sotry here. However, the art style and nice fights kinda make up for it. Plus, we actually get to see Vegeta help out in the end. The Broly sequel is similar to the original story, but with less story to it and less characters. But, it also has a cool end and is not just one person defeating the enemy. I rate both movies 7.7/10.

Bardock-The Father of Goku/Episode of Bardock-This has a good story, a few okay fights and a sad ending. I do not really like this because of the fights. This is similar to History of Trunks, where we know the hero has know chance of winning. But, we still root for Bardock even though we know he is going to lose. The only thing bad about this is, its not long enough. Despite what most people might say, Episode of Bardock was just as good as the original, in my opinion. The art style was easily better then the previous one and it had a happy ending. I give both of these movies an 8.5/10.

Super Android 13-This is the first movie where an enemy becomes Super muscular. I will be honest, I am not a huge fan of that, but I do enjoy giant enemies or enemies with huge muscels. The reason for this, it is much more awesome when they fall. Basically, seeing a hero overcome an enemy that looks that huge is awesome. I also think that, while they were obviously designed to look sterostyical, 13, 14, and 15 are one of my favorite minions for some reason. Plus, Super 13 looks badass. But, this movie does have some comical mometes that I enjoy. I rate this 8.8/10.

Cooler’s Regenge-In this movie, Cooler did become big, but he did not have buldging muscles. But, even at SSJ, Goku still had trouble. I am still not sure how he was able to kill Cooler. Either way, seeing him overcome something bigger then him, while starring death in the eye is pretty cool. Plus, this actually had a story. I rate this 9/10. Yes, only sliglhty bettter because it had a decent story to it. What could be better then overcoming someone bigger then you with a story attachted to it?

Broly the Legendary Super Saiyan/Bojack Unbound-I like both of these movies for different reasons. Broly actually has a good story attached to him and Bojack brought back the idea of tournament. Plus, Bojack had a better art style and more well done moves. Plus, it brought back minions. But, the enemy was essenstially the same. However, I like Broly more because he was connected to Goku. It was like fighting your long lost rival or something. To add, first time Vegeta had ever been scared of something. The only thing I didn’t like was, the death was a cop-out. But, most of the deaths in the movies were a cop-out. I rate both of these movies 9.5/10.
Wrath of the Dragon-A movie with a good story, great art, decent fight scenes, not too long or too short, good music and the ending wasn’t too much of a cop-out. Plus, I think Taipon is a good character. The only thing I don’t like about it is, Vegeta gets like a couple minutes of screen time and he gets beaten right away. I rate this movie 9.7/10.

Fusion Reborn/Battle of God’s-Battle of God’s has the better art style and better story. However, Fusion Reborn has the better music and better fight scenes. They are just as good when it comes to comedy. I don’t even mind that Janemba is similar to Majin/Super Buu. I just wish Gogeta and SSJ God form could have lasted longer. Because I can not decide which one I like better, both of these movies get a 10/10. I hope ROF will be just as good, if not better.

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