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Ebenezer Scrooge vs. The Grinch-Who is worse?

23 Dec

grinch vs. Scrooge

It’s the holidays so I am doing a “whose worse” on Scrooge vs. Grinch. This is for the people who read this. That means that this one is not going to be as long. I was going to do another Legend of Zelda theory, but being the holidays and all I felt that this is a better thing to do. Besides, I had this one in head for a long time. I am interested in what everyone else thinks.

First things first, this is not a fight. Just because it says “vs.” does not mean that it’s a fight. By now, I am pretty sure almost everyone knows about the “Christmas Carol” and “How the Grinch stole Christmas”. However, there are a ton of children who have never heard of these stories and should. To be honest, if you never read or heard of these stories then this is not for you. I am not going to put any spoiler stop for anyone.

Also, considering that this blog requires you to know about both stories I shouldn’t have to do a spoiler. However, I will do a short explanation of the two stories just for fun. Anyway, first I am going do the short story as I said, then talking a little about their shortcomings, after that, you the people say who is worse.

The Christmas Carol: A tale about an old grumpy man named Ebenezer Scrooge, who just wants to live alone and make money. As a matter of fact, money is the only thing he cares about. He hates every single day. But, there is one day he hates the most and that day is Christmas Day. However, there is a night in which the spirit of his dead best friend and work partner visits him. All night long, he gets visited by three spirits, the ghost of Christmas Past, Ghost of Christmas Present and Ghost of Future.

They are too remind him what nice past he had, how things go when its Christmas time and he isn’t around and how his future will end up. These spirits are there to try and change his mind about Christmas. Charles Dickens told this story.

How the Grinch stole Christmas: If you are familiar with the rhymes of Dr. Seuss then you probably know what you are getting into right? Well, this one takes a darker turn. The Grinch is a creepy, angry, green creature who loves to hate. His favorite holiday is Halloween but, he hates Christmas. This holiday, celebrated by the Who’s in Whoville is a little too happy and cheerful for him. The Grinch hates happiness and despises people being happy. For no reason at all, he wants to “steal” Christmas away from them (as the title says).

I am not gonna give away the ending, but if you read it then you will know. Now, those are the two stories, next is their shortcomings. There is just one thing; the movie does not count. I know it explains why the Grinch hates Christmas more then the fact that he hates things that are cheerful, but he is just a hater and that is all I need.

What’s wrong with them?


1. Way too cranky
2. Incredible greedy
3. Could have anger issues
4. Rejects the world around him

Basically, an old man who loves money, might be going into dementia or might be Bi-polar. Either that, or Jesus actually sent three ghosts though his dreams to change his mind about Christmas. Not gonna go too far on my next blog which I will be talking about Scrooge. But, when you get older, most people do become grumpy. Despite that, his greed obviously goes a little too far. However, that could be easily fixed.


1. He’s a hater
2. He enjoys hating
3. He thinks about the pain of others
4. Hates happiness
5. Enjoys watching people suffer
6. Might be a psycho.
7. Basically hates everyone
8. Might torture

The Grinch could easily be a psychopath who brings people up to his cave to torture them. Another thing to think about is when he tried to “steal” Christmas he might have wanted to kill all of the Whos. But, he stopped because he didn’t knew what might happen. If you think about it, if he stole everyone’s gifts why wasn’t he arrested? If he actually thought things through, why did he stop from killing but still stole? Maybe, he actually planted poison in everyone’s food and thus really stole Christmas.

If there is no one to celebrate Christmas then there is no Christmas to celebrate. I know this is a dark turn on things, but it’s a neat idea to think about. I mean, he clearly hate fun and joy. He had a dark heart and there is no way singing and having fun without their gifts could change that. With that being said, the Grinch is worse. Even if all of that isn’t real, he had no reason to hate. Well, that is my opinion anyway.

I know both Scrooge and the Grinch are wrote from books and they are fiction. However, these are ideas I have in my head. I have no evidence to back it up; this is just for fun.Now, what do you peoples think is worse? Why? Are my reasons similar to yours? I would like explanations because this could be fun!

Just gonna say one more thing, please don’t fight about this. If you want to debate then go-ahead but keep it peaceful!

Happy Holidays to everyone and be safe!