Archive | June, 2016

Guns, Islamist’s and other stuff!

19 Jun

guns vs Islamists

I don’t usually talk about this kind of stuff. But, this felt as though it was slightly important. This is a fusion between a PSA and a rant. While I could have been a little nicer at the time, I am still going to post this. I hope the readers enjoy this.

I originally was not going to speak up about the Orlando thing, but I feel as though I have to. I have been told by many that it is best to just say how I feel, well, here it is.

I am only really doing this because this was bigger then the other massacres I have heard of. It seems like people from the right are idiots and the left is sensitive as fuck. Granted, I am very sensitive, but I accept any opinions when I am not angry. I could say that there should be CONTROL, which I think their should be. Notice how the control was in all caps? That is because control does not equal ban. Banning guns is silly. People will always find a way to kill. Hell, the earliest humans hunted down mammoths with spears.

Point is, we should not ban guns, we should treat them like cars. Also, we should evaluate people and make sure they are not crazy. On the other hand, people on the right need to stop saying Obama is going to take your guns away. He is president of the United motherfucking States, if he wanted to take your guns away he would have done it already. What happened in Orlando was real, there is no Illuminati, no reptilian, no secret group trying to make this stuff happen.

I could also go on about how horrible Islam is, which it is. To start, Islam is not a race, it’s a religion. Just because I say Islam is bad, does not mean I agree with Donald Trump. Muslims are not bad, it’s their stupid religion. It really pisses me off that people mock Christianity and is fine, but you mock Islam, you are called an “Islamphobe”. Does the left even realize that by doing this, they give more ammo to the right? It makes the Christian nuts able to feel bad and act like they are innocent. Tell me something, would you defend the crusades if you were in that era? Because, that is what this fucking is, just with modern weapons.

You know what I am really going to talk about? I am going to talk about nuance. Before anyone says anything, I only mentioned Islam and guns is because those are two subjects that people happen to think are the only things causing this. I actually do believe that Islam is a horrible religion. There are lots of things I can say about Islam, but most people know what they do. However, there is something I will say. When joining a religion or ideology or whatever, there might sometimes be some rules. I did not know this till recently, but Muslims are against gay people, even more than West Burro Baptist Church. At least they are just annoying and won’t kill someone over their religeon.

Remember, I said that Islam is horrible, I never said Muslims are horrible. One thing you need to do is separate the religion from the people in the religion. Most of the time, I never speak out against ANY religeon. However, do you guys and gals remember, last year, when I was happy gays was allowed to be married in all fifty states? I also said that Christians hide behind their bible, I would also like to add that people cherry-pick the bible and say what is true if it is . Islamists are not any different. They hide behind the Quran. ISIS is still apart convenient Islam. Just as Protestants and Catholics fight over which side is correct, there are modern Muslims who say ISIS are not Muslim. Well, I have to say the No True Scotsman fallacy goes for EVERY ideology. Just because you are apart of Islam and we made mistakes when Bush was president does not mean they get off Scotts free.

One last thing, I wasn’t going to do this because I knew this was going to pass after a while. But, some alligator attacks a boy and we forget about this. I feel sorry for that kid, but this is more important right now. It is sad that we get distracted so fast. Humans really make me sick sometimes. As annoying as the right is and cringy as the left is, at least we were talking for a while. I like to throw around ideas and show others our thoughts. But, nope, if we are pissed by someone’s opinion, they are a fag, a bigot, a cuck, a racist, an Islamaphobe a retard and basically any name in the book.

To sum up, make sure to separate the religion from the people in it. I would say there should be a gun control, but, I am not an expert, maybe treat guns like cars. ISIS is still apart of Islam even if they are bad people. The thing in Orlando was not about just guns or Islam; it’s about both. We are so easily distracted by things that really matter, it bothers me. I do not even know why I wrote this. I am not that big of a person. Most people will get mad at what I am saying and just be mad at the words I use instead of the actually thing I am talking about. I guess this is small try at getting people to debate about this topic. I want people to talk about this, explain how they feel. I hope this was okay.