Archive | December, 2014

2014-Not the best, not the worst

31 Dec


With every New Year coming up, there is always something you are looking forward to. I really don’t remember what I was looking forward to for 2014. But, I do remember the things that happened this year. There was a lot of good and bad stuff that happened this year. Some may seem small to others, but they are big for me. Before I talk about all the good stuff, I like to get the bad stuff out of the way.

The Bad-

While Celebrities might not be apart of our personal life, if you like the stuff they do, they might be a huge part of your life. First, there was Robin Williams who died this year. While I may have said all I could have, it’s still really sad that he died. He is one of my favorite comedians and I basically watched the stuff he did since I was little. Then we have Bill Cosby. He was also one of my favorite comedians. It is really bad what he might have done. But, all I can say is, I will never look at Cliff Huxtable the same way again. Then we have Craig Ferguson who may be alive and be a decent guy. But, there is going to be someone replacing him in the Late, Late show.

He was actually the guy who inspired me to be creepy and be okay with acting different. Luckily, he is not retiring and might still be doing stand-up comedy. Still, I will always miss him and Geoffrey Peterson doing their thing. Speaking of shows that ended, this was the year that both How I met Your Mother and Futurama ended. Both were really good shows, especially HIMYM. But, all good things must come to and end. If either show went on too long, they would become stale.

This was also the year I lost my favorite dog in the entire world, Pedro. Pedro was more then a pet, he was apart of my family. He was way too smart for his own good. Despite that, he was a loving dog who I will never forget.

The Good-

While there were a lot of bad things this year, there was also a lot of really good things.

This was the year when I got to meet Doug and Rob Walker. Both of them might not be as important as celebrities we have today, but, they are way more talented then some of the new comedians. Doug Walker is really funny and is really good at what he does. Even if you disagree with his reviews, in my opinion his show is awesome. So, meeting him and Rob are amazing to me. This was also the year I finally got the Majin Buu plushie I have been looking for. Some people might find it odd that I am happy getting a stuffed toy, but, if Craig taught me anything, its okay to be odd.

This year, I finally got to see my cousin Billy, happy again. I love my whole family. So, to see him happy and talkative, it makes me happy. I am also really happy that I finally got to see DBZ: Battle of Gods. It was really, really good. To add, I also found my favorite Pokemon games, which I will take about eventually. I also feel really happy I finally moved into Jeanie’s old room. On top of that, seeing her new apartment inspired me to want to move out eventually. This was also the year when I finally decided that, I don’t need to be like my mother to stop being like my father. I can be my own person, while still learning from my mom. Of course, this was also the year were I learned way more about history then I ever did before.

I also feel like a got a little bit closer to my online friends this year. I hope my I get even closer to them next year as well. 😉 Of course, this was the year I finally did karaoke in Zen bar, in front of a bunch of people. That was really fun.


While there might have been more things this year that were bad and most likely more important then the things that were good, I do not care. That does not make the year a bad year. Also, what is important to me might not be important to another person. The things I call “good” does not make me less mature, nor does it make me and idiot or a loser. It just makes the things that are important to me a thing that is not important to someone else. What it does show is that I might not be working or doing as much school as everyone else. Therefore, the things that are important to me will appear as though they are odd.

Maybe in 2015, I will do more stuff that makes me appear as though my life is correct for the rest of the world. Perhaps, I might just learn a little more, lose more weight and care a little less what the world thinks of me. Either way, 2015 has a lot of stuff to look forward to. Hopefully, 2015 will be even better.