Archive | October, 2014

Monsters and what they symbolize

31 Oct

Note: I am sorry I could not find any cool picture.

Last year I wanted to do something like this. But, I got near Halloween and only did a short analysis of what certain iconic monsters symbolize. This year, I am going to do a bigger explanation of what I think certain monsters are a symbol of. I know that other people talk about this, but I want to but my little spin on it.

Werewolf = being drunk/anger

When a person transforms into a Werewolf, they do stuff that you would never do as a human. Once you turn back, you might not remember what you did, but you feel really bad once you do remember what you did. Does this sound familiar? This is what happens when you get drunk. However, this can happen if you have anger issues. Another thing that caught my eye was, when the person is a werewolf, they tend to kill people they were mad at as a human. Also, each time you transform into a Werewolf, you just get worse and worse. Eventually, you start killing people you love.

When a Werewolf bites you, you now have the curse. While I do not agree with this, a lot of people call Alcoholism a disease. But, in a way, this is closer to a curse. Being addicted to something is like a curse because; it seems nearly impossible to get rid of. It just gets worse and worse the more you do, whatever it is you are addicted to. There are only a couple of differences. First, I do not think you can stop the Werewolf curse unless you die. Second, you can not really spread the addiction curse.

I will explain in a different blog, how addiction is a curse. I suppose if you hang out with people who also like the thing you are addicted to, you can get them addicted. This person might not look at it as a curse but as something that is good. But, I think that would be an isolated incident. I know that movies and TV might exaggerate the way people act when they get drunk. But, I believe the way they show drunks on TV is not far-fetched. I know that drunks are not the only people who beat other people up. I also know that Werewolves are not the only things that symbolize drunks and anger. Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde are similar to Werewolves. This is not limited to the monsters.

Zombies = drug addicts

Just like every other monster here, this is just in generally terms. I know every drug addict is not like this. So, just know, when I am referring to a drug addict might be similar to a zombie, I am not referring to everyone.

With that being said, I think that, if you read this you know where I am going already. At the very least, you might have an idea. I don’t even need to explain this to people. All you have to do is take a picture of a zombie and a drug addict and you can tell they have a lot of similar features. There are some people who are addicted to drugs that looks like they might be undead. Of course, you could also use the people who constantly go to Wal-Mart as a metaphor for a zombie. After all, people just mindlessly go there and buy Wal-Mart’s stuff because it’s cheap.

I could even use fan-boys and fan-girls as a metaphor for a zombie. This is the kind of person who worships their entertainment, thinking that it is the best thing ever and if anyone disagrees, that person is an asshole. To me, a zombie is just a bunch of people who mindlessly conform with the same thing every day. I guess that would make everyone in the world a zombie. In a way, that is actually correct. Even if you want to break away from conformity, there is still going to be something that you do that everyone else does.

Vampire = sex/sexual undertones

I have seen enough movies to see what sex is like. These were mostly slasher films. Sex is everywhere; you don’t have to be a pervert to know what goes on during sex. I have also watched enough vampire movies to know that when the vampire is trying to suck their blood, it almost looks like the vampire is trying to make love to the person. There is not really a lot more to say here. There are defiantly some sort of sexual undertones in these movies. Plus, am I the only one thinks that when Dracula says, “I want to suck your blood” it sounds a little a little dirty?

Frankenstein’s Monster = an outcast

Most people gets Victor confused with his monster. He never really named his monster, so I can kind of understand where people might be coming from. However, what if I told you that Frankenstein was really the monster and the one we called a monster was an outcast? I mean, that guy never had a chance. He was built from the body parts of other dead people. He does not even know what he was doing. But, we attacked him because he was different. I could go on to say that, if Frankenstein gave his new person a chance to learn, maybe the guy would have lived.

Even if that guy, who I am now calling Frank, was able to learn, he would still be an outcast. After all, all we care about is how people look. Victor actually created a new human, which was just a bunch of other dead people. Victor never thought what would happen if this person did become alive. He just wanted this for his own personal gain. You could say that this is the same as people who have kids and don’t even think about what might happen.

In many ways, that is similar. Does this mean that we shun the creator entirely? I would say no. This is both Victor and our fault for making Frank into a monster.

Witches = scientists

I personally do not think that a scientist is a witch. But, if you do not know what all this stuff works, it might seem like magic to you. If you could go back in time and bring back some of the amazing stuff science created, people might think you were a witch. For example, if you showed someone a smartphone in the 50’s, they might think you were talking to the Devil or something. Granted, they might not work in that time. But, let’s say we bring something that still might work. Of course, you don’t need to go back in time and show something that was made to make them think you were a witch.

Just try to show someone who knows very little about the Internet and try to explain it to them. I am sure, with all the people in this world; there are a good amount of nuts that believe the Internet is witchcraft. This is only because they don’t understand how it works. There is even a good amount of sane people in this world who use video games, the Internet, smartphones, Ipods and so on and don’t even question it. You could call a person a witch just because this person can do a lot of things that you and a lot of other people can’t do.

Generic Monsters = humans

A generic monster is a monster of which is not based on any particular monster from a book, movie, Internet, etc. They can look any way you want them to look. When I think of generic monsters, I think of those gross, giant, beast-like monsters with huge claws. While these monsters could be werewolf-esque, vampire-esque, zombie-esque, etc, they are not always that way. Sometimes, they can be cute monsters with huge eyes that are just harmless. But, you know what I think the real monster is? The real monsters are humans.

One example I use, the fact that we are the type of beings who shun people for any reason that we see fit. Going from their life-style all the way to their looks and everything in between. I am starting to think one of the reasons we create monsters is to create something that is worse then us so that we do not look so bad. As humans, we know that we are horrible, but we like to hide behind the truth. What more then to create something that would move the focus so that we do not look so horrible. On top of that, horror is entertaining. So, we might not see it as trick.

I know that what monsters really are, they are things of the unknown. Things of which we can not comprehend. They are mysterious, built around myths. While monsters such as Werewolves and Vampires might be scary to some people, they are not real. At the end of the day, these monsters are just for entertainment purposes. I do think, that being scared is somewhat of entertainment. At least, when it comes to these fake monsters. To be honest, I am more scared of a human then any of these monsters. Yes, this does not exclude myself either.

In fact, I am scared of me accidentally saying the wrong thing, posting something offensive, that I am not doing well in school, that this blog with be bad. Most of all, I am scared that I am slowly killing myself. Is there anything about yourself that scares you? Are there any monsters I should have added? Do you disagree with what I said? If so, tell me nicely.

I hope all of you have a wonderful Halloween. I just want you to know that I am actually in your house right now!