Archive | September, 2014

Theory: Most Naruto villains are not evil-

6 Sep

Because it is day six on villain week, I thought I would do something different. This is my first time actually taking research on a theory, other then using what I know. This theory is really two theories in one. The reason for that, in order to answer one theory, the other has to be answered as well. What are these theories you ask? One theory is, are villains automatically evil? The second is the one on the title “Most Naruto villains are not evil”.

With the title alone, anyone can guess what my answer for the first theory. I will just say it; no, being a villain does not make you evil. But, I like to explain to how I came to that conclusion. I actually had to do research for the first time. This was not something I knew so sure. I did not get everything I wanted, but I got enough to come up with an answer. I looked it up on Wikipedia and it says that villains are evil. I tired to look it up on Google and all I found of lists of evil villains.

Then, I went to FaceBook and asked people what they thought. I only got a few answers, but they were some good ones. My sister brought up the fact that Dr. Horrible, from “Dr. Horrible’s Sing-Along Blog”, was not evil. I can agree with that. If anything, Captain Hammer was more of a “bad-guy” when Dr. Horrible was. If you have not seen that short, then try it out. Either way, Dr. Horrible was not evil, heck; he was not even that bad. He was offered to kill a child and he couldn’t.

He only worked on doing something bad near the end of the short. My friend brought up a good point on a few characters. But, there was only one I recognized. That would be the Joker. I agree, the Joker is one insane son of a bitch who is a villain. But, if being insane takes away the fact that you could also be evil, most Batman villains would also not be evil. Honestly, I can not say yes or no to that. I only know the Batman villains from the movies.

So far, we can say that villains do not have to be evil. But, using a quote from Bryan Tremblay; “I think we can agree that to be ‘evil’ you have to have bad intent, that the things you do are driven to cause pain or damage. I assume (correct me if I’m wrong) that to be evil you must have mean intent. If this isn’t the case then the rest of my argument breaks down. Now the hard part, the definition of villain. Webster’s dictionary defines villain as someone who does bad stuff and is blamed as doing evil deeds. So does Google and so doe’s All those dictionaries require that a villain is someone who purposely does evil things. So yes, to answer your question I think to be a villain you HAVE to be evil. However you DON’T have to be evil to be the bad guy.”

Does this mean that both the Joker and Dr. Horrible are not really villains? I do not know much about the Joker. But, for Dr. Horrible, you can say he is a villain, just a bad one. I say this because, Joe and my sister agree with what I believe. I do believe you can be a villain and not be evil. You can also be evil and not be a villain. If you think about it, at the end of the day, it is based on your own point of view. If that is the case, why did I ask my friends? I wanted to see if they could come up with a good argument. Both sides have a decent argument. I do not have a good argument to offer, so I use others and say how I feel. Depending on how you look at it, you could go either way.

I know I did say that I think a villain does not have to be evil. But, I can change my mind at any time. For now, I lean towards the side that a villain does not have to be evil and that is what I am going with. With that being sad, we go on to my main theory. This theory only really works if the first one works. After all, if villains HAVE to be evil, then the Naruto villains are evil and we end it there.

I am going to be honest here. I do not remember how the entire story of the Akatsuki went. I only vaguely remember. So, if I get some of their stories wrong, tell me in a polite way. Anyway, most of the villains, bad guys, bad girls, Anti-heroes and Antagonists in Naruto Shippuden are not truly evil. They might have done evil deeds and done some bad things, but they are not evil. Anyone who watched Naruto all the way through, they know that Gaara was never to begin with. He was just hated by his people because had a monster inside of him.

I am pretty sure it was mentioned several times that Naruto could have gone the same way as him. We all know that he was just using his anger. But, this started a trend in the show. You could go even earlier and say that Sasuke started it. He wanted to kill his brother and was not really a villain. If anything, he was another Anti-hero. By saying this, you could argue that most of the villains in Naruto were evil.

At first, I look at most of these bad guys and girls as evil. But, after watching Shippuden and reading the manga, I have came to a conclusion. The sound five might be the only “evil” ones in the show, other then Kisamea. You could say that Zabuza and Haku were evil, but, they were doing they did for money. If I remember correctly, Zabuza was not happy with being revived during the Great War in Shippuden and he wanted to be killed. I believe, that to truly be evil, you have no compassion and do what you do even though you know that it is bad.

I feel like he did what he did just for money and for a sense of accomplishment. If Kakashi was apart of the Demon mist village, he might have done the same thing. It really is just two different sides of the same coin. Next we have Kabuto and Orochimaru. It is clear that both of them switch sides at will and do things however they feel. They are similar in some ways and that is why they are good partners. I know that Orochimaru is a villain and tried to take over the hidden leaf village. But, does doing evil deeds make you evil?

Does saying something-mean make you mean? I would say no to that. On top of that, taking over the village could have just been a distraction so he could get Sasuke. Considering how he recently changed in Shippuden, I think he might be less evil and more of an insane man who can not decide which path he wishes to take. Kabuto is pretty much the same. But, just because they are not evil, does not mean that they are not villains. Most of the characters I mentioned are either villains or henchmen of a villain.

Now we move onto Shippuden. I am not going lie and say that the Akatsuki are not evil. There are members that are not only evil, but are psychopaths. The only ones I can say are truly evil are: Hidan, Deidara, Kisamea and Kakuzu. I might have to add Sasori to that list. But, he did feel bad for his parents dying and everything and you can almost feel bad for him. But, when he is reanimated, he likes being what he is. I am not even sure if Zetsu counts either. I think Zetsu is a henchman and a creation and not a villain.

What does that leave us with? Well, we have Nagato, Yahiko/Pain, Konan, Madara, Itachi, and Obito. Itachi was never evil or a villain, he was an anti-hero. He did what he did to save the village. Konan was a follower of Yahiko/Pain and so was Nagato. All three of them, as well as Obito were essentially Darth Vader villains. All of them wanted to do good, but they were lead by someone who was evil. Madara was the one who led them astray. But, I could say that Madara had no choice.

He was a reincarnation of some evil God. This makes him evil by default. Does all this mean that these people are not evil? If you become evil through revenge, does that make you not evil? I would like to believe that if you take a certain path based on hate and revenge, it does not make you truly evil. You make that choice and you can change at any moment. I suppose you can say that these characters were evil, they just changed. That would also be a valid point.

In conclusion, most of the villains of the Naruto series are not evil. At the same time, they are very evil. But, these are just ideas I come up with. I want to know what others think? If you got something against what I say, please tell me in a polite manner.

I hope this was fun.

Most entertaining villain crew

5 Sep

It is day five on villain week. The question is, what am I going to do today? What about an entertaining villain crew? That sounds like a good idea, I’ll go with that. There are a lot of groups in Anime, which are entertaining in so many ways. I had to think about this for sometime. In many ways, villains can be more fun then heroes. I am not saying that heroes can not be fun. As a matter of fact, most of the Straw Hat crew are loads of fun. But, I am not talking about the good guys or girls. After all, it is villain week.

In Naruto and Naruto Shippuden there is the Akatsuki. Are they entertaining? Well, if you enjoy a group of which are creepy, disturbing, and beyond serial killers, then, I would say they are off the roof! The only fun one in that group, in my opinion, was Kisamea. Fairy Tail has a lot of weird groups, but I can’t think of one I like the most. Most of the villains in Bleach were badass, but there was not an entire group that “entertained” me. Most of the Espada’s were creepy. However, I thought Grimjoww was cool.

I should be upset that this brings me back to DragonBall-Z. Then again, when I think about it, I like that show a lot. In fact, the entire series was awesome. So, if you like something so much, what is wrong with using their characters? I want to know what other people might say about that.

Either way, I am going to say what I think the most entertaining team is. This is a group of five mutated aliens. They could all be the same race, but, they are most likely from different races. Unlike other villains in a group, they were only in there for one saga. However, they had a huge impact on people who watched the show. They even inspired the Great Saiyaman. I think you know what I am going to say buy now. Yeah, it is the Ginyu Force! This group are really funny, silly and just fun in general. When they poses, it made me laugh. Also, for some odd reason, when Ginyu turned into a frog, that made me laugh out loud. Anyone else found that moment funny?

The Ginyu force was just something I did not expect. I guess, Akira Toriyama has a lot of humor. This is the kind of stuff the keeps the show going. Have something entertaining once in a while. Of course, everyone has their own definition of entertainment. Mine is mostly comedy. I am actually interested in which villain group entertained other people the most? Also, I want to know if this was good or bad? If I made a mistake, tell me.

I really hope that people liked this.

The anime villain that scared me more then any other…

5 Sep

It is day four of villain week. This means that I have to put someone out for this day that is villain related. No one answered my question yesterday. Because of this, I will not say what I think would happen if Freiza, Cell and Buu were good, until later in the week. However, I do have a new thing to offer. Instead of who my favorite or least favorite villain, I pick the one that frightens me the most. I say anime because these are mostly for anime. If this was for things that scared me in general, this villain would be in the top ten, but it would not be at the top.

Who is this villain I am talking about? This would be, none other then Imperfect Cell. Not all of Cell scared me. In fact, Perfect Cell was kind of cool and Semi-Perfect Cell was way too annoying to be scary. No, it was Cell, when he first started out. After he got out of that Nincada form that is. That was kind of creepy as well. But, it was not nearly as creepy as Imperfect Cell. The way he looks, the music and the way he sounds, is scary as fuck.

One of the things that scares me, is the fact that Cell has his long tail with a needle-like appendage. Yes, Goku and I share the same fear of needles. So, whenever Goku sees a needle and is scared, I understand how he feels. Anyway, Cell uses his tail to stab you; he then turns you into liquid and slowly sucks you into his body. Your body then becomes energy for him. I am not sure if people die right away or if they die as time goes on. Either way, it’s freaky, creepy and scary on so many levels.

I actually had a nightmare about Cell when I was a kid. I had a few friends back in the day. Two of them were in my dream, along with me. These two are Merrill and Richard. Merrill and I are still friends, but I don’t know what happened to Richard. Either way, during the dream, Cell chased us up to my roof. I do not remember the whole thing, but I do remember waking up scared and nervous. As time went on, Cell stopped scarring me. But, he is still somewhat creepy. There is no other anime villain, as of yet, that would scare me as much as Cell.

Are there any villains of which creep and scare anyone? Was anyone as scared of Cell as I was? How was this? If there are any mistakes I made, tell me.

I hope everyone likes this.

Who is my least favorite villain?

2 Sep

This is day two for villain week. Yesterday, I gave a short tribute to Kid Buu. Well, if heroes get their favorites and least favorites from people, villains disserve the same. At first I had it down to Freiza and Babidi. But, then I realized two things. The first thing is, Freiza was not as bad as I remember him being. If anything, he was the last major villain before the show started to go weird. Not saying that the show getting weird is bad, just stating how I feel.

As for the character, Freiza did what a villain should do. He killed his own people; he was tyrant and did not care what others thought. On top of that, he destroyed planets and took people in as slaves. If that is not evil, I don’t know what is. In other words, Freiza was not that bad of a villain. The other thing I realized was that there are other Anime I watched, so I had to include them. I do not remember what the villains were like in Yu-Yu Hakusho. But if I remember correctly, they were all badass. Soul Eater and Inuyasha had okay villains.

I rooted for Light Yagami (Death Note) the entire time and I don’t know if he was even considered as a villain. The villains from Bleach were mostly cool. Maybe this is just me, but some of the Shinigami seem to be more mean then the villains. The Fairy Tail and One Piece villains come and go so fast, it’s hard to tell if I like them too much. I know that it is not that fast, b as soon as you beat them, you forget about them really quick. I am not talking about all of them of course. Some of them do stick around and there are some that are good.

As for the Naruto villains, the only one I may not have liked was Orochimaru. I am starting to think that he was not even that bad as we think he is. I might a theory about him one day. I could even go as say that most of the Naruto villains, have some sort of, almost legit reason for what they do. That means that this leaves me with the DragonBall series. By saying that, I know who I am going to pick. It would be none other then the short, annoying, jerk known as Babidi. He took advantage of the fact that Majin Buu had a mind of a child and used it to do his will.

The funny thing is, Dabura predicted that Babidi could not control Buu. Babidi did not want to listen to him. But, Dabura was correct in what he said. Babidi got what was coming for him. I really do not have much else to say about that little pest other then I can’t stand him.

Are there any villains that you can not stand and are glad that are dead? Did I make any mistakes? I would like to know in polite way what I did wrong.

Either way, I hope everyone enjoyed this one as well.

Kid Buu tribute-

1 Sep

Well, if it really is villain week I have a few things that I want talk about in a few posts. But, for today, it is just a tribute to my favorite villain. I am not sure if he even counts as a villain because he only has one saga. Then again, you could say that without him, the Buu sagas might have never happened. No, I am not talking about Bibidi. Akira Toriyama mentioned somewhere in an interview, in which Buu was always around, Bibidi just, was able to control him. I think that came from Thundershot’s channel, but I don’t remember.

So, you could call Kid Buu a villain, you could say he is just a bad guy, either way, he is pure evil and is someone you don’t want to mess with. With his size and the name “Kid Buu”, you would think that he is a pushover. Also, if you add to the fact that compared to Cell and Freiza, he is not that bulky, you might think he is weak. But, for what he lacks in bulk he has in speed and amazing power. He also has amazing physical strength and is crazy. On top of all of that, he does no need to talk about how strong he is and how weak everyone else is. He only needs four words: “me Buu kill you!”

Some people might like the fact that Cell and Freiza has some kind of reason for what they do. I am not saying I hate them, I am just saying that a villain with no reason and is just insane, is more my style. Even Super Buu had nothing he really wanted to do, destroy everything. But, I like Kid Buu a little more then Super Buu. It is only by a little bit. Super Buu is really amazing as well. I thought he was also kind of insane in some ways. However, I thought he got a little cocky after he absorbed Gotenks and Piccolo.

In fact, I don’t remember Kid Buu ever getting too upset about much until the end. I know he sounds a little angry, but I don’t know if he really angry or if that was just how he was. There is not much more I can say about Kid Buu other then, I think he is awesome. I might even like him more then Bills. I haven’t really decided yet.

Is there a villain any one here likes a lot? It does not even have to be DragonBall related. Also, if you think what I wrote was bad, tell me. This was my first tribute and I might make some mistakes in what I say. I just want constructive criticism, nothing mean.

Anyway, I hope anyone who read this likes this.