Archive | April, 2014

Dragonball Z games are going backwards

30 Apr

So, I am pretty mad right now, because I am mad, I am going to do my first rant. I am not going to explain Dragonball-Z, look it up. I do not usually say that, but I am that mad.

Warning: If you hate swearing, then do not read this.

I love Dragonball-Z more then any show. I like it more then all of my favorite TV shows put together. Dragonball-Z has fighting, comedy and drama, but not too much drama. The show even has amazing music. It may not be as popular as it used to be, but I do not give a flying ratfuck. I will like this show and everything around it. I even like Dragonball and Dragonball-GT. That is correct, I like DBGT. It may be cheesy, but it is still funny and has some good fight scenes. Dragonball-GT has an AWESOME fighting game called Final Bout with horrible graphics.

But, I am not going to talk about DBGT games today. Even though the only DBGT fighting game I own, is much better then some of the DBZ games.

It all started with DBZ: Budokai for the PS2. At the time, it seemed okay, with a few bugs here and there. The second game, Budokai 2 was much better in MY opinion. You used a board game style with the main game. The graphics improved. They were cell-shaded or whatever. Maybe there is a better name. Anyway, in this game, some of the bugs were gone. Plus, I got to play as Majin Buu, my favorite character. I couldn’t turn people into chocolate in this game but that was okay. The game had some fun fusions and absorbstions, so that was cool.

Budokai 3 was a fun game for the PS2. There were more characters and the graphics were even better then before. Plus, there was a free roam area in the sky in the main quests. This game was a DBZ game and yet they brought in DBGT and DB characters. The only complaint I had about this game was that it was hard to transform and the story mode was hard even on easy. About a year later, I could play Budokai Tenkaichi, which was a spin-off of Budokai I think. Either way, the game was fucking awesome. It was still PS2 and yet the graphics seemed much better then Budokai 3.

There were more characters to unlock which is one of the things I like most about fighting games. The story mode was fun. However, the best part of the game is that you can start off as a transformation instead of base mode and then transforming. This also included great apes. I always had fun playing as an ape and smashing stuff. Another year later, there was Budokai Tenkaichi 2 which was slightly better. The graphics did not improve, but I did not care about that. They did add needed characters and made it so that you can have teammates in the game. In both story mode and versus mode, you can use up to four extra characters in your team, which was cool.

Yet another year later, Budokai Tenkaichi 3 came out. At first, I thought it was the best Dragonball-Z game ever. Now, well it is still pretty awesome for a PS2 game. All really did with this game, is add way too many unneeded characters, some cool Ki tricks and made the story made free range again. Looking back, since they had a new game come out year after year, it was almost as if they were just throwing games at us just to make money and they had little to no new ideas. However, I did not care back then and I do not care now. This game might be the closest to a “perfect” DBZ game.

About a year or so later, there was Burst Limit. This looks like a remake of Budokai 1 but that is not official. I could not longer use PS2; I had the choice of PS3 or Xbox 360. I did not own, nor did I ever wish to own a PS3, so I used my Xbox 360. It was a fun game that’s all I can say. I do not remember much from the game. There was even another year where a game came out. This was Raging Blast. I think this is another spin-off from the Budokai games, but I could be wrong.

Like with the Tenkaichi games, you can start off with a transformation. However, there were less characters you could play with then in Tenkaichi 1, which seemed wrong but there was a somewhat good excuse. The makers of the game said they wanted to put more into the environments, the graphics and the story mode. That was actually somewhat of just excuse. It did look much better then before. Plus, you could play as SSJ3 Broly and Vegeta, which was super cool. Once more, Bandai Namco couldn’t wait to get their hands on your money so they threw another game just a year later.

Funny thing is, this is, in MY opinion, the second best DBZ game ever made. The graphics did not improve too much and yet it was still very nice too look at. Plus, there were characters in this game that have never been in a DBZ fighting game before this came out. It was centered on Hatchiyack; a character made from an old game that turned into a movie. The old game was called “Dragon Ball: Plan to Eradicate the Super Saiyans”. I do not know much about that game but I know it was an old game of which people took the cut scenes and made a DBZ movie out of it.

Bandai Namco then took the liberty to revamp the “movie”. Also, there were not a lot of characters in this game, it seemed like the right amount. If I had known that this was just going to be a DBZ series with no DB or DBGT characters, I would have liked it more. I still think it is better then Tenkaichi 1 and almost as good as Tenkaichi 3. It was also understandable that, when adding the movie in a game you don’t put in extra characters. The animations were great, the game looked great. More characters would be better, but it was still badass.

I believed that if they had the characters they had in this game, the one’s they had in Tenkaichi 3, with the beauty of the game, it would be almost perfect. In fact if they did all of that and made a character creation, like in the next game, it would be perfect. Maybe that is too much to ask for Bandai Namco. Well, after a whole fucking year, yeah only a year, Ultimate Budokai came out. With the name “Ultimate” you would think that it would be the best DBZ game ever made.

I was so fucking excited to buy this game. It had the name Ultimate and you could make your own character. So, was it the best DBZ game ever? First off, there were no new modes you could do other then your own story mode. There were only 42 characters, including your own creatable character. You could only create three characters, yeah only three. You could only make a Saiyan, only male, your hairstyle is limited and the voice is crappy. Pokemon X/Y had better creatable ideas then this mother fucking game.

They had a lot less transformations then in the previous games. This would almost be acceptable if this was pure fighting game like the old games, with less story mode and no creatable characters. But no, this was just another way to suck money out of us. If we used the baseball system, I would say that DBZ video games already two strikes and the next sucky game stops me from buying their games. However, I am not counting Infinite World as a strike against DBZ fighting games. I knew it was going to be bad. Ultimate Tenkaichi is technically the first huge strike I have against DBZ fighting games. Good thing I have never played DBZ for Kinect, otherwise it would be two strikes.

The second biggest strike on DBZ fighting games is Battle of Z. As I looked at the game before it came out I accepted the fact that there was only going to be 42 characters in the game and that this game is all DBZ based. It is called battle of Z; it’s not balled “Battle of DB/Z/GT”. It was a cool idea that you could play with 4 members on your team. However, that was for single player and online. I know that with technology do stuff online more often. But, what if you want to do multiplayer with a friend? Not in this game. What if you just want to collect all of the characters and then battle the computers? Not in this game.

I know this sounds weird, but I like to collect my characters and make up my own stories with them. You can’t create your own character. This game didn’t even tease us with that. You were not going to have a ton a characters, that is perfectly fine. You want to make a game based around the new movie? Well that’s awesome. To put the cherry on the pie, it had downloadable content of which featured Super Saiyan Bardock and Goku in Naruto costume, that would be fun. I was pissed that my hard drive only worked with Xbox 360 slim, so I bought the one for the original Xbox 360.

I started to get excited, I was thinking that there was not anything worse they could do with DBZ games, but there was. The worst part about this, I waited three years for a new DBZ fighting game and this is what I got. Now, my mom bought this for my birthday, so I am going to try out the story, but the story better be good. Either way, one more thing like this, or worse and I won’t play DBZ games for a long time. You know what got me even more pissed then before? I just looked it up and Bandai Namco does the Naruto video games. What the fuck Bandai? Do you hate Dragonball-Z? If you can make awesome Naruto games, why not DBZ?

Well, from now on, before I any game I have to check it out. Unless it’s a Legend of Zelda game, they never did me wrong.

So, for those you who are pissed at Bandai Namco for making bad DBZ games, don’t just right a petition; check them out before you buy them. If they look sucky, do not buy them. In fact, wait for people’s ratings. I do not fucking care about getting spoiled. It is better to play a video game spoiled then buying a game and getting jacked. Just remember to be patient and stop buying games if you think they might suck. They will only get worse if you keep buying them. This is not just for DBZ games; this is for ANY video games.

If you feel the same way as me, do this. If you do not agree with me, I do not want a debate.

Have a fucking good day!

South Park-The Stick of Truth my thoughts

19 Apr

I know it has been sometime since a made a post, well I am doing a review today on South Park The Stick of Truth. For those of you who know me, know that I am a huge South Park fan and I am a huge video game nerd. But, just because you make a video game from a TV show that you enjoy, does not mean you are going to like the game. But, after waiting over a year for a video game to come out because it was delayed, that game better be good. In my honest opinion, this game is not good at all. This game is incredibly awesome. For me to say this game is good would be unfair. As a matter of fact, just saying that it is awesome is not good enough. If there were something beyond awesome I would pick it.

However, if you can be easily offended, not into RPG’s, and don’t like video games with crazy insane and general weird stuff in it, then you would not like it. I would even go as far as to say that you don’t even have to be a South Park fan to like it. Although, if you were a South Park fan and watched most of its episodes, you might like it even more. This is one of those rare moments where I can take quality of the game over quantity. But, there is a good amount of stuff that you can do the can that you get both. Except, the quality of the game is better by a lot.

Even when you are fighting, it looks like you are in a South Park Episode. The abilities you can do in this can are cool to watch and nice ideas. You don’t get a lot of summons but they are funny. Speaking of funny, I have never played a game where it is awesome and funny at the same time. While the moves do get old fast, they are still fun to watch from time to time. Just when you think the game is going to get the level of weird/creepyness and just silly, you get a whole shitload more.

As and RPG game it is fairly easy once you get used to it. There are a few things you have to do here and there of which must be precise and spot on, other then that the game is a breeze. I am not going to say too much stuff that the characters do, the moves you do, the side quests, and so on, just gonna keep being vague about it. Anyway, while there are a lot a great things about the game, there a few things in the game of which are annoying, that I don’t like.

There could have been more characters of which you can team up with. I thought you were going to fight the Vampire kids, but you don’t. I feel like there were some places missing in the game. You never got to see Mephisto making six assed animals, no Hell’s Pass Hospital, and no Satan. But, if they crammed even more stuff in the game of which they already did, it might be too much. Also, the game might be a little too gross, and that is coming from me. But, it didn’t bother me too much.

All in all, I give this game a 10 out of 10. Does this mean that this game is perfect? This game is not perfect, but it is the closest I’ve ever seen. As an RPG, it’s the best I have ever played and as a game it’s one of the best. I might have to raise my rating for game to 12 instead of 10. Either way, yeah this game is super awesome. Dragonball-Z is my favorite show and yet Matt and Trey can make one better game then any of the games Akira Toriyama came up with. Pokemon X/Y/HeartGold/Black/White/Black2 are my favorite Pokemon games, which are RPG, and yet I like this game more.

The Stick of Truth has a high re-playability like the Zelda games I like a lot. Pus, while not much will change when you do a different class, or at least I heard I still want to play it again, just not right away. So, even if you never seen South Park, but have a high tolerance for nasty crap, swearing, rarely get offended, like crazy shit and talking shit, then you might just like this game. Plus, if you are a huge South Park fan, you could easily like this game. Unless you hate RPG’s, then this isn’t for you.

This is just my opinion on the game. I do not usually do reviews, in fact this is my first one and it might not be so great. I just liked this game so much I had to put this in one of my blogs. Either way, if you don’t like me because I like this game, then screw you guys, Imma goin’ home.