Archive | December, 2013

Ebenezer Scrooge vs. The Grinch-Who is worse?

23 Dec

grinch vs. Scrooge

It’s the holidays so I am doing a “whose worse” on Scrooge vs. Grinch. This is for the people who read this. That means that this one is not going to be as long. I was going to do another Legend of Zelda theory, but being the holidays and all I felt that this is a better thing to do. Besides, I had this one in head for a long time. I am interested in what everyone else thinks.

First things first, this is not a fight. Just because it says “vs.” does not mean that it’s a fight. By now, I am pretty sure almost everyone knows about the “Christmas Carol” and “How the Grinch stole Christmas”. However, there are a ton of children who have never heard of these stories and should. To be honest, if you never read or heard of these stories then this is not for you. I am not going to put any spoiler stop for anyone.

Also, considering that this blog requires you to know about both stories I shouldn’t have to do a spoiler. However, I will do a short explanation of the two stories just for fun. Anyway, first I am going do the short story as I said, then talking a little about their shortcomings, after that, you the people say who is worse.

The Christmas Carol: A tale about an old grumpy man named Ebenezer Scrooge, who just wants to live alone and make money. As a matter of fact, money is the only thing he cares about. He hates every single day. But, there is one day he hates the most and that day is Christmas Day. However, there is a night in which the spirit of his dead best friend and work partner visits him. All night long, he gets visited by three spirits, the ghost of Christmas Past, Ghost of Christmas Present and Ghost of Future.

They are too remind him what nice past he had, how things go when its Christmas time and he isn’t around and how his future will end up. These spirits are there to try and change his mind about Christmas. Charles Dickens told this story.

How the Grinch stole Christmas: If you are familiar with the rhymes of Dr. Seuss then you probably know what you are getting into right? Well, this one takes a darker turn. The Grinch is a creepy, angry, green creature who loves to hate. His favorite holiday is Halloween but, he hates Christmas. This holiday, celebrated by the Who’s in Whoville is a little too happy and cheerful for him. The Grinch hates happiness and despises people being happy. For no reason at all, he wants to “steal” Christmas away from them (as the title says).

I am not gonna give away the ending, but if you read it then you will know. Now, those are the two stories, next is their shortcomings. There is just one thing; the movie does not count. I know it explains why the Grinch hates Christmas more then the fact that he hates things that are cheerful, but he is just a hater and that is all I need.

What’s wrong with them?


1. Way too cranky
2. Incredible greedy
3. Could have anger issues
4. Rejects the world around him

Basically, an old man who loves money, might be going into dementia or might be Bi-polar. Either that, or Jesus actually sent three ghosts though his dreams to change his mind about Christmas. Not gonna go too far on my next blog which I will be talking about Scrooge. But, when you get older, most people do become grumpy. Despite that, his greed obviously goes a little too far. However, that could be easily fixed.


1. He’s a hater
2. He enjoys hating
3. He thinks about the pain of others
4. Hates happiness
5. Enjoys watching people suffer
6. Might be a psycho.
7. Basically hates everyone
8. Might torture

The Grinch could easily be a psychopath who brings people up to his cave to torture them. Another thing to think about is when he tried to “steal” Christmas he might have wanted to kill all of the Whos. But, he stopped because he didn’t knew what might happen. If you think about it, if he stole everyone’s gifts why wasn’t he arrested? If he actually thought things through, why did he stop from killing but still stole? Maybe, he actually planted poison in everyone’s food and thus really stole Christmas.

If there is no one to celebrate Christmas then there is no Christmas to celebrate. I know this is a dark turn on things, but it’s a neat idea to think about. I mean, he clearly hate fun and joy. He had a dark heart and there is no way singing and having fun without their gifts could change that. With that being said, the Grinch is worse. Even if all of that isn’t real, he had no reason to hate. Well, that is my opinion anyway.

I know both Scrooge and the Grinch are wrote from books and they are fiction. However, these are ideas I have in my head. I have no evidence to back it up; this is just for fun.Now, what do you peoples think is worse? Why? Are my reasons similar to yours? I would like explanations because this could be fun!

Just gonna say one more thing, please don’t fight about this. If you want to debate then go-ahead but keep it peaceful!

Happy Holidays to everyone and be safe!

Is Ganondorf really that evil?

18 Dec

Happy Ganon

Hello, I am Teddy I am going to be doing a theory today, one of a few. Now, I am not a man of theories so if this sucks then just bare with me, this is my first one. Well, the first one that I have done in a blog. I usually like to debunk theories, but I thought to myself that I should give a shot to make some myself the way I like it. However, this is not 100% of a theory its more of a couple ideas that could be what is really going on in Ocarina of Time’s first half of the game.

One warning, just because this is a “Legend of Zelda” theory does not mean I am not gonna use other movies, shows or other types of entertainment that are not apart of the Zelda Universe. They could be relevant to the theory, comparing them to the events in Ocarina of Time in order to prove that they could happen in the same Universe. Now, time to hit the jump on the theory!

Before anyone says a thing, I know in the game Ganondorf and all of his forms are considered to be “evil” and he is trying to take over the world, but maybe things just went the wrong way for him. Ganondorf was the King of thieves and why do most thieves steal? Because they need money for their homes and families and when it comes down to it, most thieves are not bad people. Now, I know in this case the Gerudos have a generally nice place to live so they don’t really need to steal.

However, the Gerudo people are not thought of as “evil”, in fact, according to a gossip stone, they are allowed in Hyrule to pick up men to mate with them. I know the guards in Hyrule are not that great, but if they knew that Link was coming they would not let him in and the same goes for thieves who are trained to fight anyone. Also, in Four Swords Adventures, they say that they are not happy with what Ganondorf did. Also, the co-leader of the Gerudos, Nabooru was pissed with what Ganondorf was doing and admitted that he was going too far, thus went to the Spirit Temple to try and figure out how to get to him.

Gerudos are trained like Ninjas to defend themselves and might steal from time to time but wouldn’t summon Moblins, Keese, Deku Baba’s and Dodongo’s or go on killing people just for fun. According to legend, every hundred years a Gerudo male is born and he eventually will become king. Because the Gerudo people are not evil and the whole group is females does this make male Gerudo evil? Is it possible that Ganondorf was brainwashed by Koume and Kotake? To me, that seems likely.

They were his surrogate mothers and parents always teach their kids how to grow up, even if it ends up that their teachings are even taught they can not be taught by their parents and must learn on their own. There is no known data tell us gamers what happened to Ganondorf’s real parents. It is possible that Ganondorf could have killed his parents and done the brainwashing. However, what reason would he have to kill his real parents and force his surrogate mothers to help him do evil deeds?

There are a few reasons why Ganondorf was brainwashed, one of which goes with Twinrova’s age. After Link “kills” them, they argue about their age, one of them says its 400 and the other says its 380 but they are twins, so they would have to be the same age. They could be a little bit senile but I think if you forget your own age that you wouldn’t able to control someone and attack someone the way they did. I would that they were just in a fit of rage and when people get that mad their mind might wander off and you say stuff that might not make sense.

I would have to give them a solid 350, at the very least. With that being said, I do not think that after learning all of the magic they learned in their lifetime and after centuries of experience that their mind could be washed away by someone who was just their young apprentice and son. Also, if they lived that long they could have easily seen Ganondorf’s genius and prepared it. Plus, Ganondorf never shown any brainwashing in the games that I remember. It was Twinrova who brainwashed Nabooru.

The events of Ocarina of Time appeared easily one hundred years after the Minish Cap and that was 100-200 years after the events of Skyward Sword. This means that Koume and Kotake were born in Skyloft at least fifty years BEFORE the events the Skyward Sword. This means that they were on some unknown island and went to the surface after it was opened up by Link and found a dessert land, named it Gerudo valley and made up their rules. They might have not even known that it was Ganondorf who was gonna be the next demon king but waited for a male with his potential to appear and then nab him.

It is safe to assume this based and how far each time gap is between Skyward Sword and Ocarina of time that they were the first Gerudos, then they could be their first leaders. As they got old they passed the torch onto another woman. However, let’s say that they brainwashed Ganondorf, this means that everything he did was a thing they wanted. This means that they were the evil ones and if they are evil, it is safe say to say that they are ones of next line of minions working for Demise.

After all, they were living around the same time Girahim was trying to bring Demise back to life. This means that they could have known about Demise and make sure that the next demon king would be brought to power. It would make sense. Putting all these pieces together you can see, time gap, alive around the time Girahim tries to revive Demise, evil and knows how to brainwash, all of this makes sense if carefully think about it. So, Koume and Kotake could be working to revive Demise in a new form.

When Ganondorf was born they could seize this moment and kill his real parents and raise him for their own. Considering how old they are, with the gap between games, and the fact that they are evil it would not be a stretch to say that killing the parents was what happened. After all, if you are evil you will do anything to get what you want and have no remorse.

Because of this, Ganondorf might have had no choice but to do their bidding. It almost seems like a too big of a coincidence and fits right in.

I know that Ganondorf is stronger then Twinrova. However, this was not the first time when a weaker and smaller villain had control over a taller/bigger and stronger villain. In most Anime, video games, and pretty much any form of entertainment, the stronger villains have weaker villains as minions. But, there is one show I can think of where, for half of the show it’s the other way around. I know that I should stick to Legend on Zelda topics, or at the very least Nintendo topics. I am going to get to the point so don’t complain! (If you are DBZ fans then you can scroll past most of this if you want.)

Anyway, in the other half of Dragon Ball Z, the weaker and bigger villains are “controlled” by the weaker, not so strong villains. For example, Majin Buu, a tiny-tiny wizard named Bibidi created a five hundred (give or take) pound demon/alien. Okay, to be clear, Bibidi the wizard created a slightly taller killing machine that went around destroying planets with no care for anyone. Eventually he met the “gods” of the Universe and either killed or absorbed them.

Eventually, he absorbed the leader of these gods, known as Kai’s and he had so much good in him that he transformed into a five-year old fat version of what he was who can be easily be manipulated by food. But, Bibidi could bot control Majin Buu for too long so he had to seal him in a cocoon and go to earth where he was ambushed by the only remaining Kai left. Of course he had a son named Babidi that this Kai did not know about until later on.

Babidi wanted to revive Buu one day but he was too young and did not all of his father’s tricks yet. As he grew up, he learned how to control anyone’s evil heart and force them to be under his control. After about 300 million years Babidi had a whole army and was ready to come out and find people’s energy so he could steal their energy and revive Buu. Babidi managed to revive Buu after he got enough energy from the heroes. However, Majin Buu still acted like a five year-old, so he had to persuade him to do what he said.

After Majin Buu destroyed many towns and fought the legendary Goku (who was the main character of the show), Buu was tired of Babidi and killed him. How does this relate to Ganondorf? Also, am I the only one who sees Babidi, Koume and Kotake together and thinks that they look similar? Well, with Demise dead and Girahim being destroyed with him, and with Twinrova being evil they could have used their magic to control Ganondorf.

You know, what? I mentioned this three times, in three different ways. Bottom line, Koume and Kotake are WAY older then Ganondorf, around same time as Demise was finally sealed away for good, has ability to control people. After seven years Ganondorf could have snapped out of their control and left them for dead, knowing Link was going to kill them. Who would blame him? If they brainwashed him and then after seven years he did evil because he was controlled, not he feels bad about it.

I would have done the same thing as well if left in the same situation. The only question left was, if he snapped out his control by Koume and Kotake then why didn’t he try to get Link to go back in time and make kill Koume and Kotake? There are at least two reasons for this. The first is that Ganondorf actually though it through and knew that as a child, Link could not defeat Twinrova, let along kill them.

He could not go back and time and do the killing because he can not use the Master sword. The only other option is that they did not actually lose control of him until they died. Because of this, he was not aware of what was going on until they were dead and it was now too late; he already had Link coming for the time temple. With no other choice he finishes what his mothers wanted and fails.

There is even a possibility that even after they were dead, his mind was so scrambled that he believed that these evil actions were now his own. The second theory/idea is that Ganondorf might actually know what he was doing and still and a good guy, for the most part. He had to go through a lot of hoops to get what he or his mothers wanted. But, there could be a somewhat rational explanation for why he was going through all of this and how he was doing it and the reason for it was not being “evil”.

He heard about the Triforce and its power through the great vine and that is just like in The Lord of the Rings, making him want it for power. Obviously the Triforce did not make you want to keep it for power, but, something made by three Goddesses got to have some kind of spell on people meaning that he could have gone crazy hearing about it. There is no evidence to prove this wrong or right, or is there?

I could go on and say that every villain wants power at some point in his or her life, but I am trying to prove that he is not a villain. I could also same that as humans we want power in some form, that will be in another one of topics. Instead, I will mention the fact that every version of Ganondorf the Triforce of power goes back to him. I do not believe that “power” necessarily goes towards someone of whom is bad.

Sometimes, even the nicest people want power for different reasons. In his case, he could have wanted that power to make the world a better place. I know that sounds like stretch, but I will explain how it could work out. Anyone who played a Zelda game knows that Ganondorf says that he wants to control Hyrule and everything, but does he ever say why? There is an anime named Death Note, and in the story the main character/villain gains a black book named “Death Note”. In the notebook you can write someone’s name down and they will die in forty seconds.

Just like in everything else, there are rules and even exceptions to those rules. To be honest, the story and rules the and everything was a little too complicated for me. However, the main character/villain, Light Yagami wanted to use this to kill off every bad guy and ends up going to far with it because the cops were worried with the unnatural phenomenon. Light had to kill everyone in his way and almost forgot what his original plans for the book was. I know the Triforce was not a notebook of death but the same ideas in Ganondorf’s head could easily apply.

Ganondorf might even of had a plan or going into this blindly, not even knowing why he was doing all this work. Of course, that goes more towards the theory/idea that he is brainwashed. This idea/theory is that he knew what he was going and yet he was still a good person. That is why I think the whole plan sounds better. To start, he needed to make some kind of treaty with the King of Hyrule and gain his trust. After all, if the King thought Ganondorf might be trying to steal the Triforce of power so he had to blindside the King.

However, the guardians of the lands wouldn’t give him the stones he needed to open the door of time to get the Triforce so he used Koume and Kotake’s magic of which was passed down to him to summon demons and goblins and creatures to do his deeds for him. I know it was said that he passed a curse on the Great Deku Tree, and he put a stone in front of the Dodongo’s cavern and gave a bug to go into Lord Jabu-Jabu. However, it is possible that what they saw was Phantom Ganon and not the real Ganondorf.

Maybe, Phantom Ganon was actually made to do evil so he didn’t have to. As for Zelda thinking he is evil, well, she is easily around the same age as Link and thus believing he is evil by his appearance is based on her immaturity after all, kids think and say the darnest things sometimes. Ganondorf did appear in Link’s dream but that could be the fact that Link can see into the future through dreams. His ancestor in Skyward Sword was able to do the same thing when he saw The Imprisoned in his dream.

What Link saw in his dream does not make Ganondorf evil, its just an event that happened. I also know that after Link gains the three stones, it appears as though a takeover was coming and why else wouldn’t it? He could have knocked Link out because he did not want to fight Link at the time. It could have also been Phantom Ganon. He did run after Zelda and then he appears in the temple of time after Link opens it. For this to happen he would have to have changed his mind and stopped chasing Zelda and instead went to the temple of time invisible and waited for Link to open the door of time then taking the Triforce.

The other idea is that Phantom Ganon knocked Link out and chased after Zelda. Meanwhile, the real Ganondorf waited in the temple of time invisible. The latter actually makes for sense, so I am sticking with it. After seven years had passed, he was truly evil by then, even if he didn’t want to believe he was. Lets not forget Ganondorf is still some sort of reincarnation from Demise or influenced by Demise, looking up to him. He could have been a nice guy trying to rid the world of evil and then got mixed up in what he was doing and became the person he hated.

Even if Ganondorf was not brainwashed, Koume and Kotake were still old enough to be influenced by Demise as well and started the Gerudo race just to bring him back to life in a different form. Ganondorf could have still been picked without being brainwashed. No matter how you cut it, he was raised with the attitude he had and in the end he was still evil. So, the conclusion I came to was that Ganondorf, at least before the seven years and everything, was evil not by choice but by opinion or magic.

If you think about it, what is evil? Could he have just gone the wrong path because he believed that the world was going to hate him anyway? Honestly, I think of Ganondorf as a bad guy but not evil, at least before the seven years. He was evil in every part of Zelda’s history after the Ocarina of time. But he did feel some remorse and cared about his people.

I know that at the end of the day, Shigeru Miyamoto and all the other creators of Zelda wanted Ganon and every one of his forms to be evil. But, I heard that the Legend of Zelda was meant to be a mystery and people are allowed to think whatever they want. The creators of these stories most likely wont answer our theories and allow us to think our own mind. After all, this is just a theory, The Thinkers theory!

I hope everyone enjoyed it and realized that this is not canon and not real. This is just one of the ideas I have in my head about The Legend of Zelda series. I wouldn’t mind if people talked about this, but please keep it peaceful. Oh yes, one more thing. Part of my inspiration came from one of my closest friends Aragni Darkness (not his real name). Of course he thinks that Ganondorf is similar to Hitler in the fact they both might have gone on the wrong way. I just used that idea and then put more thought into it. Also, I have been kinda thinking about this for a while and Aragni just happens to think something similar as me.

The thinkers Re-do

15 Dec

I have not done this in over a year. Since the time of when I was doing random blogs I had forgotten about this place. Now, I am going to Manchester Community College and slightly getting better at my writing skills I was thinking I should give this a try again. I just forgot what this place was called and don’t remember how to set this up to FaceBook. After being rejected by a non-profit slightly-sort of-professional website that does Legend of Zelda stuff it got me thinking, “hey I can’t be apart of their team and post my theories, but I can post them here and have FaceBook see them.”

Maybe what I just said sounds a little condescending or something, wait where was I going with this? Well, it doesn’t really matter; I was rejected by a website that I like a lot and now I was gonna go on a rant but instead I am gonna thank them. Thank you Zelda Dungeon, I am a little pissed but you reminded me of WordPress and I can still post my theory here. Everything happens for a reason, if Zelda Dungeon never rejected me I might still remember about WordPress but it would come later.

But, if I was not rejected I could have done my blogs AND be apart of Zelda Dungeon. You know, maybe I am not that great of a thinker, maybe I should do something similar to what I was doing before, better, longer, something like a remake but sounds better. Wait, what if, instead of a remake I Re-Do! It will be great; I can have my theories, reactions to theories, random Teddy stuff, and other stuff. Maybe it will be a little bit serious with more things this time.

However, I will not trash my old posts because original stuff is important to look at. Also, I am not mad at Zelda Dungeon, a little upset just joking around but you did make me think of this again. Anyway, the thinker is coming to town and hopefully, he will make you think as well, make you laugh and make you sigh. One more thing: Gold is made of wood, think about that!