Archive | February, 2012

Animals should vote!

24 Feb

Hello people, before I start my rant I am going to remind people that I like to joke around. While some of my posts will serious, others will be jokes. So think before you write. Not that many people has commented on what I have done thus far. After all, I haven’t done more then two blogs thus far. But I hope everyone who reads this enjoys it!

So, recently I have been talking to my dogs: Pedro, Ricky, Star, Moon and Mavis. All of which are bichon frise. Although Ricky and Mavis as part poodle. Anyway Pedro posted something on Facebook of which came to my attention.

Here is what he said:

“All Right, I have finally decided dogs and other animals should be able to vote. We need 5,000 animals and 5,000 to sign our petition so we can talk in Washington.

We already have Ricky, Mavis, Star, Moon, Coco, Biscuit, neighbor Sophie, Heather’s Sophie, Heather’s Chickens, George the cat, Scarf the cat, Stray the cat, me. That’s 16 animals we still need a freaken’ a lot more animals then now.The only human we have is Teddy Wright. We still need 4,999 more.

If no other animals helps us out then we will have to pull out the big guns.

This is all about what Willard Mitt Romney did to his dog. We are not going to take this any more, we have feelings too oh and make Chinese people stop eating us dogs.”


Well still need a number of animals and humans to sign his  petition so that they can talk in Washington. Of course to hear what they say you actually have to believe they can talk first. This is all I need to say here, please sign our petition so my dogs can talk in Washington and get animals to vote.

Thank you very much!


Sequels, Remakes and Prequels

15 Feb

Hello again, it is I, Teddy and I have been gone for a while however I have been thinking about a lot of stuff and this is an issue of which I felt like I should talk about. Sequels, Remakes and Prequels. A lot of people know what these words mean. However, I feel the need to explain. First of all, I am talking about Movies.

Note: There WILL be some spoilers so walk away if you don’t want to be spoiled!

Anyway, a Sequel is a continuation of a movie. Star Wars: Empire Strikes Back is a Sequel to Star Wars: new hope. They continued from the original Star Wars story and made another movie. Then of course we have trilogies in which they have three movies in the series. First was Star Wars, then Empire and then Return of the Jedi.

After that, we then have a series in which it goes on to even more movies. In this case they made the prequel trilogy.

Then we go onto a prequel which is a story of which chronologically happened before the original story. In this case its was Phantom Menace, Clone Wars and Revenge of the Sith.

Next we have a remake where you take the original story and I really hope they leave Star Wars alone, but they take it and make it, with the graphics, the way they talk, the actors and redo it, edit with a more modern sense. Sometimes a remake can just be slightly like the story sometimes it can be completely different, of course that is more like a retelling.

An example of a remake is a good, iconic movie: The Karate Kid, funny, good just epic. Then somewhere in the zeros they had a similar plot but different names and different actors. It was okay the remake of Karate Kid and yet the original was better. This is why I am talking about this and I am going to start with sequels.

Sequels: Everyone knows about this and at first there were very few. I saw black and white movies like Frankenstein, Wolfman, Dracula etc. And they had no sequels of which I could remember. There were remakes but I will talk about that later.

Now there was a Dracula with Christopher Lee which had many sequel and apparently Frankenstein had a lot as well.

I mentioned Star Wars, but there was also Terminator which had a sequel later on and was pretty good. Indiana Jones had an okay sequel, Jurassic Park had a good sequel, even Ghostbusters had decent sequel. It was somewhere in the mid 90’s to early 2000’s of which I started noticing how they were just throwing sequels in there.

Now, I am not saying that I thought about this back then. I just noticed when I watch it recently that is when it started happening, as I looked up when the movies came out. Maybe there were some even earlier.

Never the less, the mid 90’s to early 2000’s. I mean Indian Jones and the Last Crusade was good Back to the Future 2 and 3 were decent and many other movies had good sequels. Another amazing movie: Men in Black, might even call it iconic. And yet the second one which I think was in 2003 or 2004 I would like to say? It sucked, Jurassic Park 3 was OKAY, every Jaws movie after the first one got worse after each one.

So is it the timeline that’s bad or is it the fact that some movies should not be touched? I mean by now, we have sequels up the wazoo. They are already working on a sequel to the remake of Batman, but wait, didn’t the original series have four movies already? They had a fourth Indiana Jones which had potential and was good but aliens? E.T and Indiana Jones do not mix!

Also Terminator has a fourth and are working on a fifth? Yes it was interesting and it is good to show the Future. But the terminators came from the Future so the 5th is going to be a sequel/prequel! As Doc says: “Great Scot! You are going to mess up the space time continuum!”

Now there is also going to be a Men in Black three, yes it looks funny but commercials can be deceiving. They say “Well we are running out of ideas and even the though the second sucked lets make one that makes sucked look cool!” Anyway we are going to remakes now.

Remakes: Back in the days of black and white, there were remakes or retelling of lots of movies, Dracula, 007, Sherlock Holmes, Frankenstein and lots of old horror movies. And a remake can be fine. A good example of a great remake is Sherlock Holmes played by Robert Downy Jr. I don’t know if I can think of a remake of which made the story better. Okay, scratch that Friday the 13th 2009. However Halloween Remake, Karate Kid, Nightmare on Elm’s Street remakes where not that good.

And I can think of another remake of which was better then the original: The Fly with Jeff Goldblum. However, there are some movies that should be left alone. Jurassic Park, Indiana Jones, Back to the Future, Ghostbusters, Star Wars and many more you can’t touch that.

Now, the remake of Spiderman sounds good because they could have done Spiderman better. And remakes don’t bother me too much.

Prequel: Unlike the other two, I actually have a lot of positive things to say. I liked the prequel series of Star Wars. Mostly because it shows the origins of stuff and how it all happened. I like that. I am even looking forward to The Hobbit. I don’t understand why someone might like a prequel because it shows the origins of stuff and by the time it comes out it might have more modern stuff and effects going on. So, bottom line, I like the idea of prequels.

Others: Now there are lots of movies based of books. As a matter of fact, give me a movie and I can say that it  was based off of a book.

And even based off a show is okay as well. However, there are some of which piss me off. Now there are lots of movies there days based off a TV show of which was a cartoon or an old show of which was black and white. Some of this is alright.

An example of movies that where based off of a TV show and still good: Fat Albert, Alvin and the Chipmunks, Spiderman, Batman, Ironman, Superman, Transformers. And I am not talking about a movie that came from a show. I loved the South Park movie but it was not live action, nor was it modern. It was from the actual show and stayed cartoon with the same voice actors.

However, there are movies of which I have seen in a commercial that look like they should never be a movie: Jack and the bean Stalk, The Three Stogies, Battleship, Garfield (old but still).  Now, there might be even more that I missed but calm on a movie off of a board game? Come one really? What’s next a Monopoly movie, Lego?

And they had a Dragon Ball movie which I’d watch again only because it is Dragon Ball. But come on, The Matrix 3 had better graphics then that! How hard could it be to make a decent Dragon Ball movie.

If they are doing all of this shit what movies I want: a BETTER Dragon Ball movie, Ocarina of Time Movie. And other Legend of Zelda and Dragon Ball Z movies.

Anyway, that’s all I have to say right now I hope this was good. I know it was long but I have been thinking about this for a long time. Ohh and one more thing, I will see sequels and remakes just to see how good or bad they are, but eventually I might just stop.

Again, I hope this was good, talk to the peeps later!